
Finished summer classes July 29th, go back August 29th to repeat some classes i bombed last year and then hopefully that’ll be it for me T_T

Youch. What does she do to those poor souls?

Who bans hair dye?

And I thought our dress code was bad…

That’s just ridiculous. At the school I just graduated from they didn’t allow bare shoulders (that I can understand being distracting) or jeans with holes in them (which was more about a matter of principle then anything else).

I’m starting college in a week. Which is all for the best, because not having any sort of routine during the summer is driving me crazy. :stuck_out_tongue:


My school banned hair dye of natural colors. If your hair was “too red, too black, or too blonde” then it was treated just like unnatural colors. It was insane.

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What if you just naturally had really blonde hair? did you have to dye it to make it less blonde?

wat the wat.


That didn’t count.
Don’t try to make sense of my middle school dress code, where the actually bad stuff slips past people but one strand of muted red hair is bad.

In school suspension.
I also think that that punishment is pointless.

What would happen if you broke the dress code?

What even…?

How is that supposed to help people make “better” clothing choices? And wait a sec, do you mean an after-school detention or a full-day suspension?


I don’t go to that school anymore, but I will start to go to a new school.
do ya want me to break that dress code Raptor

Full day.
I don’t know why, apparently their clothing is “distracting” to the other students.
Not really, but calling them to the office certainly is.


That’s usually the reason for dress codes.

However, it doesn’t seem to be very effective or reasonable in this situation.


No, but this is too weird.

So they’ll make students miss out on learning because they aren’t wearing the right thing? That’s kind of absurd. They’re not bothering anyone.

I had a really great discussion with my math teacher this past year about the real reason for suspensions. He told me they’re not intended to help/correct the trouble-maker, they’re intended to help the rest of the class by getting rid of the person who’s bothering everyone else.

Do you know what kind of thing people were being suspended for?


Leggings, because, well, you know.
But it’s not even like the people wearing them are distracting people, most girls wear them frequently, and it doesn’t “interfere with our learning”.
It’s certainly not distracting me, except when there’s a four minute announcement calling fifteen people down to the office.


School dress codes are officially out of control. :stuck_out_tongue:


This doesn’t have to do with school dress code, but at my old elementary school, the new principal (who came in the year after I left) apparently makes the kids sit in the gym and read before school instead of playing outside

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Wait, really? They’re a-okay where I am.

May I thank all the women I went to school with who covered their shoulders so I could graduate?


Seeing all these posts about the crazy dress codes makes me really appreciate the fact that dress code is not a thing in my country, and also how I’ve taken that for granted.

I really feel for you guys and gals (who probably are more affected by this, sadly), I really do.

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Man, my school only has a “No Hats” rule, and that’s just so they can identify people who shouldn’t be there