SCP-3284 creation

Now this has nothing to do with bionicle but as I am a fan of the SCP foundation, ive created my own SCP by the name of SCP-3284 (the magic doll). If you wish to check him out, the link is down below.

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I have a few questions. What is the suit made of that prevents SCP-3284 from reading the interviewer ’ s mind? What is his container like? Why would he have a history with the lizard and statue? Why did the guy try to spill acid on it? Are there any limitations on what he can do with the I phone? Where Did they find the SCP? Did it come with the ear buds and phone? Did it request the ear buds and phone? How can the mouth be stitched if it was drawn on?

the suits material is made from a specially designed by the foundation, his container is a 5m x 5m x 5m steel room with a bed in the corner and shelf on the other side of the room where he keeps a bunch of hats (which he has a strange affinity for, not even he knows why), he doesnt like to bring up the his past with 682 or 173 for he feels its “pointless to talk of what has happened between friends”, the guy with the acid thought that SCP-3284 would escape and try to kill everyone with his psychic powers, the only limitation on his phone is that he can’t go on anything that hasn’t been made yet (he mostly uses it to listen to music though so yeah, that means he can listen to any song ever made, even the first song ever made), the SCP was found sitting in a hospital church at night listening to “spirit in the sky” ironically enough, he always had the headphones and phone (and no they’re not the earbud type headphones, they are skull-candy headphones, as in the ones you put over your ears), he was trapped inside this doll and his soul transformed the doll into a twisted image of his unstable emotions…

How is he friends with the lizard or the statue? The Lizard hates everything, and we don’t even know if the statue is self aware.

this is “before” he was a lizard and “before” the other was a statue, and its before 3284 was a doll. (Im talking like, centuries ago. around the time the scarlet king was around)

I don’t think there was a before for the Statue and the Lizard.

There is, trust me.

No offense, but I don’t.

Well it doesn’t matter because there is, and I know there is because I’ve seen it, 682 is only an avatar for a much stronger creature with hyperversal level power and is only one of possibly millions of these demons and leviathans who were minions of the scarlet king. 173 also is an avatar for a much more powerful being, a being who killed a 1/3 of 682’s actual hyperversal species.

I don’t think so

Huh. You’re sure this wasn’t an alternate canon or something along those lines?

The reason why I doubt this is because the SCP Foundation was meant to be a Lovecraftian-based horror story database. The entire idea is that these SCP’s are meant to be beyond human comprehension, like cosmic horror. Placing a backstory to explain the unexplained ruins all of the immersion and fear instilled in the reader.

If you can link the story though then that would be great.

All I know is that apparently the SPC universe contained some incredibly powerful hyper-dimensional cosmic beings that have godlike abilities and were led by a being called the scarlet king. All I know about SCPs are from a channel I wouldn’t recommend to anyone as it can be pretty bad at times.

Edited For Language - BioKnight

From what I can see from his SCP vids, he isn’t the most reputable source of information on the SCP universe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think his ideas are interesting, but I also think they shouldn’t be representative of the SCP Foundation. I’d say give the 001-999 series SCP’s a read on your own to get a better idea of what everything is like.

That’s what I thought. SCP vids are one of the things I listen to when I’m moccing. It’s always been a group that just collects weird stuff.

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