Solo: A Star Wars Story discussion topic

I never understood the “it doesn’t need to exist” argument, I mean, isn’t that the case of all fiction?


Going into the movie, I felt that getting a backstory for Han Solo was unnecessary. There’s just nothing particular about him that needs an explanation. That being said, it was still fun to see all of his little comments about his past play out on the big screen, and it was a very charming movie.


So I finally saw this a few days ago, and I have a few notes.

First of all, some trends I’ve noticed in the new Disney Star Wars movies.

  1. You can’t ever see anything. Especially early in the movie. It’ll always either be really dark or dusty, or something will happen to limit your vision to the center of the screen, and focus on two or three characters.

  2. The droid and alien characters are always more likable than the human ones. When watching Solo, I found l3-37 and the four armed pilot character way more interesting than anyone else in the movie. Its the robots that have more personality than the people.

  3. They always kill off the interesting ones. They’re not the only ones that die, but if you see a new character in the film, and they seem interesting or have an in depth personality, they’re gonna die.

As for the movie itself, it was alright. There were more than a few moments I really liked, though there are two flaws I have with it.

The entire plot of the movie is based off of a one off line from the first movie. This isn’t a huge problem for me. Its just something that bugged me more than anything.

But the major problem I have with the film, is the primary female character. I found her boring and predictable throughout the entire film. The first time I saw her, my intimidate thought was
“Oh hey. You look like a brand new character never seen anywhere else in the story, and you’re also super emotionally important to the main character, plus you’re in a prequel. How long until you die?”
Everything she did was bland and predictable. Every bit of conflict in the film that had to do with her I saw coming from a mile away. The only thing that surprised me with her is that she survived.

And as for positives, aside from the two characters I mentioned, the only thing that specifically comes to mind is that one shot in the space cloud tunnel thing, and then there’s a lightning strike and it reveals the star destroyer. I love that part.

All things considered, I liked it, though if it weren’t for the two interesting characters in the film, I probably wouldn’t have been able stretch my attention enough to watch the whole thing.

I plan on grabbing it tomorrow.

Just got around to seeing the movie; overall, I quite enjoyed it.

I’m too lazy to write out an entire review, but I’ll leave two things that I feel could have been done a little better.

1. I feel like Chewie could have been given a little bit more of an arc by having him interact more with the other wookies at the Kessel mines; obviously we see him helping free the other wookies, but not much else. If he had been able to talk with wookies locked in a cage, for example, or get some sort of conversation I think it would have made a more emotional impact about the depth of the wookie’s sufferings.
2. Han should have had a more solid reason to align with Enfys Nest; as it is in the movie he just says it’s “the right thing to do”. I think it would have made more sense to make him relate his suffering on Corellia to their plight. That would have made his actions make a bit more sense to me.

I did really love the cinematography, costumes, and actors, and would love to see more of this era of Star Wars (not necessarily a sequel, but I’d be open to it).

Oh yeah, and Alden Ehrenreich did great as young Han.


Actually where I thought was lacking was more like the droid rights/lando-his droid (forgot her name) relationship stuff. That was SUPER weird.


For me L3 was just a humorous side character; I wasn’t bothered by her antics, but she certainly wasn’t a character to write home about.


Yeah, I see how it was meant to be comical, but it came across as annoying to me

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I just saw this movie. It’s alright. A couple things that stood out to me:

I like the theme for Enfys Nest.
Lando’s Hawaiian ■■■■■ in the last scene looked out of place to me.



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I didn’t like enfy’s nest. They looked cool but a few things about them were cliche imo.

Enfys Nest was my favorite new character in this movie.

Besides Quay Tolsite.

You have obviously not heard about our lord and savior Therm Scissorpunch.


Not gonna lie, I did like him too.

But no one beats a Pyke.