Something Spooky (RP Topic)

The group comes to a path branching off from the one they are on. Lauren walks right past it, lost in thought.

“If what we put on our fear list influences what we run into in this maze…there could be some messed up stuff here.” He leans in close to James and whispers. “I mean, do you really want to know what scares that guy?” (gesturing at LTV)

LTV “Clogged up lead pencils.” He shudders.

“Hm, nevermind then.” Simon walks with Lauren, still shivering a little.

“Uhh… good point.” James noted, suddenly flashing back to his own fears and shivering too.

“On the bright side, at least it won’t be any of us that gets bursted if that is the case. Plus I’m not sure if they’d be able to recreate that, and… Crap.” James finished, having just realized he’d revealed one of his darkest fears to this guy.

Lucas walks with the group.

Bailey stuck with her “wanna go check if the path leads to something spooky?”

LTV walks at a faster pace then everyone having a slight air of excitement.

Well whatever he’s happy about, it has me worried.

Lauren turns a corner, finding that the path does not continue.

“Wait, wha-” She’s cut off as a figure leans out of the corn next to her. A hooded cloak covers it, bloody hatchet raised high in one hand.

“DEAD END!” it screeches. Lauren stumbles back, falling onto her butt.

Simon pales and steps back, but clenches his fists and and glares at the hooded figure.

Lucas jumps “Oh sh*t you okay?” Lucas asks her

LTV simply breaks into a run

OOC: Which direction?

OOC: In which direction? :stuck_out_tongue:
Edit: Kapura’d


OOC Into the corn

Jeff jumps back into a fighting stance, fists up, and starts slowly backing away.

OOC: You heard what Kara said… I’m so disappointed in you. :stuck_out_tongue:

IC: The figure leans back into the corn. Lauren moves to get back onto her feet, and it leans out again.

“DEAD END!” Lauren laughs nervously.

“Heh. Just an animatronic.” She cautiously gets back to her feet, avoiding the animatronic when it leans out again.

OOC: Stop Kapuraing me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bailey looked terrified “whew”

Jeff relaxes as he sees this and starts walking back.