Something Spooky (RP Topic)

Ike “It’s a friend of yours. Just her online persona. Her name is-”
Ideruba cuts in “Lync.”
Ike sighs “Sorry. He’s compulsive. Her name is Lauren.”

He showed him a clip of a noise the predator makes, it sounded fairly close to the noise he was making

Ooc- how dareth you/s

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IC: “Ah, alright. Gross.”

OOC: I am an uncultured freak. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ooc- Pretty good for a eighties flick. Wonder if it counts as slasher lol

Ic- “but insanely fun to freak people out with”

“That’s, uh, such a weird coincidence. My name is Lauren, too.”

“mind if ya Lync it to us?” He teased her (@LTVmocs)

Ooc- get it? Link? Lync? Sarcastic laugh

OOC: “I swear I am going to-” That’s hilarious. :stuck_out_tongue:

IC: Lauren hisses at him again.

Bailey laughed a bit

Ooc- I’m gonna go to bed soon

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LTV raises an eye brow "So can I go in?:

“Never seen predator either. Don’t really plan on it.”

Lucas arrives in line, “Hey” he says to Kara.

“I mean, it’s better than alien in my opinion, but to each their own”

“You could say I’m not that much of a fan of alien either.” James forces himself not to shiver.

Ideruba What a bunch of wussies.
Lily I know right?

“Name?” she asks.

“Lucas” he replies.

LTV coughs “May I go through mi’lady”
Ideruba Who calls her that here?
Ike I think I did once in that elevator.
Lily Screw you Ike.

“Alright Lucas. Well, that’s everyone, so we can get started.” She clears her throat and addresses everyone.

“Hello everyone, and welcome to the corn maze! From the sound of it, we have some newcomers, so let me go over the rules:” she takes a deep breath. “HickoryAcresasksthatyouactsafelyatalltimes. Thismeansnorunning,horseplay,fires,cuttingthroughthecornortryingtoeatoneanother. Theboundariesofthemazeareclearlymarked, weaskthatyouremaininsidetheseboundariesatalltimes.” She takes another breath. “In short, don’t be stupid and we’ll all have a good time. You have about two hours to go through the maze, most groups can do it in less than ninety. It’s recommended that you stick together as a group; it just makes my life a lot easier if I have to find anyone that gets stuck in there. Any questions?”

“who wants to group with me?”

“I’m already my own group.”