Spacial Reality: Secrets of the Universe

“Your song is dumb, have this instead!” yelled 3 over the intercom as A great Big Beautiful Tomorrow blared over the speakers.

Marka just ignores 3’s selection and keeps shredding through any of 3’s drones that get in his way while still humming the song.

“Seriously, what’s your deal man?”

“You declare war, you threaten my employer, you betray me; you will pay the price.” He growls.

'Whatevs man. Oh! you’ll find me in the main engineering section of the ship, it’s boring watching you wander around aimlessly."

Marka uses The Force to increase his strength and speed and the cameras and people only see a shadow darting through the drones and heading for 3’s location. R3 keeps the path open for Marka but destroys any hostiles that attack.

“What’s your opinion on biological warfare? yay or nay?”

Marka pins 3 completely against the door to the engineering room, “You like playing games and testing? Here’s one: How long will it take before you are permanently dead?” Marka says with a twisted smile on his face, covered by his helmet/mask. He starts to just whale on 3.

“Wrong me” replied 3, plugged into a Throne which was wired directly into the station.

OOC: Three now resembles the M.O.C. Droid Hunter

Marka growls and moves towards Three, “I hereby command you, as a Sith, to permanently shut down and delete all of your data. Purge yourself from all systems and effectively die.” He growls at the Lancer.

“How about no.” replied 3 as a ray shield enveloped the throne,“I dun told you homeboy, Can’t touch this.”

Marka just grabs 3 through the shield, “I don’t need a saber to kill you.” He says, his Sith nature showing.

“Lame.” replied Three as a large current of electricity shot through Marka.

Marka doesn’t seem to be affected, “You truly are a dumb CIS droid, you just made me stronger.” Marka lifts up his right hand, it has all the electricity that’s being sent through him.

“I rule the galaxy, how dumb can I be?” replied 3 as one of his drones stabbed Marka in the back.

OOC: If I have to call in a really stupid Deus Ex Machina just to kill Three, you are the one to blame. @Runa, please stop 3 with your GM powers.

IC: Marka’s armor deflects the stab, he had it heavily modified before he left to help Hanzo. He keeps working to destroy 3.

“Fiddlesticks!” grumbled three as he used his teleport and found himself in 1967 NewMexico,“crap.”

Meanwhile a more rugged and patched up Three walked up behind Marka,“Care to dance?”

Marka just destroys it. “My hatred is unleashed, 3 will die by my hand.” He growls.

'lAME!" yelled several drones, who began to circle Marka.

OOC: How exactly are you destroying them?

Marka scraps them all, The Dark Side flowing through him.

OOC: The Force, his saber, his sword, his bare fists, his blaster and whatever else pops up in his head to get rid of them.