Spacial Reality: Secrets of the Universe

“Seconds in eternity. Seconds in eternity,” John muttered to himself.

“I am required to say all that but still, we need to get to the brig.” Marka informs the IPA of the newly discovered Sith Temple. (@Runa) Marka leads John to his cell personally.

“Alright, none of you do anything to the Cybermen you’ve captured, preferably destroy them, unless you want this mess to happen again. So, um basically. So long and thanks for all the fish.”

OOC: I’m off

Marka chuckles and makes sure a good and friendly guard is posted at all times. He goes to his quarters and calls it a night.

OOC: you guys know Marka’s rules. G’night!

OOC what did I miss, plot wise? And we’re are we currently?

Ooc- Dont know, i just joined :laughing:

Ic- A ship can be seen

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John doesn’t see it because he’s in jail.

Ooc- Most people see a ship/s

Alexander looks for where he parked the marauder maddie close behind

The shockfleet picked up his ship.

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John started to pace back and forth in his cell.

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“Where’s my ship?” He asks a robot (@Ace 's characters)

The shockfleet points between it’s fingers.

“Thank you” he walks to his ship “home sweet home” he walks aboard maddie behInd him.

It holds the ship to his eye.

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“Wait where are we?” Alexander asks “I’m confused”

“between the fingers of our ship,” said Ace over an intercom.

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Bailey sees the shockfleet “What the?”

“Seconds in eternity. Seconds in eternity.”

The massive robot waves at him.