Spacial Reality: Secrets of the Universe

Marka walks so that he is next to Marius. (@KAI_BORG) He gives Enderlord a look that, even with his helmet/mask on, says, ‘please, do not mess this up.’

OOC: To Enderlord: And there’s a fresh one if you mouth off again.

OOC: “Oh yeah? Suck it! I do as I want!”

IC: Enderlord, sensing Marka’s annoyance and slight threat stuck his tongue out at him and blew a raspberry at him.

Marka just sighs in amusement, happy he is being so juvenile and thankful he isn’t picking a fight.

OOC: Points if you guys get my reference in my previous post.

Ace looks out, wandering if it was safe to enter the room.

Marka signals for him to come to him, so that Ace is relatively safe.

He walks out and stands behind Marka.

Kai just sighs saying “yeah he’s either murderous edgelord or juvenile edgelord.” Earning a smack to the back of his head by Ender.

“Huh. Seems like he’s not a threat. I guess I can still use the anit edge weaponry later…”

OOC: At least he isn’t black and red. -gets slapped upside the head by a hoof- I deserved that.

IC: “Guys, behave please.” Marka says.

“Eh he’s totally a threat, he’s just weird, something to do with my own mind and what ever happened to him.” Kai said shrugging. “I’ll make as much trouble as I want!” Enderlord replied, loudly, to Marka.

Marka face palms, causing a loud clang.

Seeing this Alice asks “why’d you hit yourself”

“Bwhahahahah!” Enderlord cackled hysterically as Marka hit his helmet. “Bet that left a ringing in your ears!”

“It’s something some people do when they get annoyed at something.” Marka responds.

“Only they tend to have their metal helmets off first!”

“Excuse me if I don’t want to break my nose.” Marka says.

“Eh I don’t have one.” Ender said shrugging.

(@Runa) Marka looks at the UN representatives and asks them, “So, where are we going to chat?”


Marka just ignores him as he is not in the mood for more of his antics.