Spacial Reality: Secrets of the Universe

ooc- Trey is a real name though. i know one

i think thats a bit obvious though :laughing:

OOC: I had figured that Trey was a real name, that is mainly why I never suspected it literally translating as 3 in some way.

The door on the mech pilot’s ship’s side explodes in a small fireball.

OOC Sorry small type oh

Zablex runs over and tries to clear a path for the pilot to get out before serious damage to his person is sustained. “Unless you want to be cooked Well Done, I suggest you get out of this mech.” The green tuniced entity says.

The pilot can be heard yelling from the other side of the ship’s door “I’m fine my mech is fire proof”

“Kinetic force was also in play.” The warrior tells him. “And I would imagine that it would be easier to make repairs if you were out of your mech and not risk being immolated by the mech exploding and getting caught in the fireball.”

OOC: gotta call it. Night everyone, you know the rules on my characters.

“What did I say about the mech being fire-proof?” Achilles yells as the mech continuously punched the door.

He thinks for a moment. “Sar. That sounds good.”

A technician walks over. “Run protocol ‘ship_command.exe’. Run protocol ‘ship_map.gif’, play file ‘Marka_instructions.vid’.”

Sar nods, looking slightly saddened, and his right arm starts shifting like a modular creation, his upper forearm coming out and over his hand, closing over it, with new armor taking its place. It started to work like a movie projector on the wall.

OOC: before now S.A.R. Was said like an acronym, which it is, and now it’s said phonetically.

Marka walks up to Sar, “If you need a…” He has a tricky time saying this word due to his Sith nature, “friend, I’m here to help.” He says sincerely. (@Runa)

Celica approached the pilot

“The question is are you fireproof?” Zablex asks. (@Firestorm)

“Thanks.” He replies.

On the projected screen, Marius is being shown. “Marka, I assume that the Self Adapting Reploid Prototype-3 is now online, and that I am for some reason unable to be there.-“ the video starts buffering.

Marka waits patiently, “You’re welcome.” He tells Sar.

It stops. “It has the programming to lead my ship in my stead, so I wish you to respect that wish, and to help him, as he will need it. He’s new to the world, and so, very curious. Please try to keep him in line by helping to advise him.” He pauses and takes his goggles off, revealing his three, cat-like eyes. “And, while he can help foil his plans, make absolutely sure he leaves Eric for me. I want to kill him myself.” With that, the video ends, and Sar’s arm returns to normal.

“Well then…” Sar comments.

“I am honored, I shall do my best to help you learn more about the world and advise you as needed.” Marka says with a bow in respect. He takes off his helmet, revealing his face to the Reploid, “It was getting a bit stuffy in there.” He says, taking a deep breath. “Now then, shall we begin? You have many waiting to hear your orders.” He tells the Reploid. He knows his place is to acta as protector, instructor, advisor and, effectively, second in command to this Reploid. “Nervous?” He kindly asks.

What is going on with me? I am being nice to a machine. No, he is just as much a unique entity and being as myself or anyone on this ship. He may be robotic but he isn’t a slave to programming. He is a born leader. And I shall recognize his authority in this army. He thinks, having a little argument with himself.

“A little.” He says as he starts walking to the control room.

OOC: I like how he doesn’t bat an eye at [quote=“Runa, post:12308, topic:36409”]
I want to kill him myself.

Despite the fact that I’ve tried to keep Marius pretty unmurderery.

OOC: He’s a Sith, revenge isn’t something that fazes him very much. But, this is concerning.

IC: “I’ll be right beside you.” Marka tells Sar as they walk to the control room.

“Thank you.” He says as he sits in the seat at the top of the room. He looks at the map. “Um, search for any planets with sentient life.” The first was [insert name of planet the others are on here]

“Alright, let’s head there.” He says as they start flying.

OOC: pics of Sar by tomorrow, hopefully.

Marka nods. He watches as they fly through space to the planet.

Celica studied the mech
OOC: hello?