Spacial Reality: Secrets of the Universe

Marka senses an intruder on the ship. “I need a security team with me and I would like for Zablex to stay here and guard Marius with a suitable force of medical and security staff to protect them.” He gets up and gets his armor on. “Marius, Sar is, all things considered, a living being in all but ‘species’,” he grins in his helmet, “try to get to know eachother as people rather than just organism and droid; it’ll be better for us all in the long run.” Zablex nods and readies his Arrowguns into Sniper configuration.

Once the two groups and three teams (one suitable security force for Marka with battle medics because those can turn the tide in a fight, and Marius has Zablex. Sar, a suitable medical team to keep him from relapsing and a security team to keep them safe) he has the security team with him be staggered with the medics so each of the two teams can protect eachother to the best they can and Marka takes point.

(@Omega_Tahu). Marka begins using the Force to search for the path the intruder is wanting to take, his current location and the destination in mind. They walk through the halls, the troops are aware of their surroundings and keep a vigilant eye for threats. Marka keeps his lightsaber, inactive for now, concealed in his cloak in his left hand and his right hand near his blaster.

OOC: If Marka runs into the Epitomes (preferably Hope, Glory and Massacre; and Massacre preferably before Epitome/Kai/Ender so he doesn’t become as much of a threat) he would welcome their help and abilities. @KAI_BORG

He finds it shut tight.

OOC: He might. He might.~

Actually he probably will seeing as how they’re currently just having Massacre tear through walls in an attempt to get out! XD

OOC: And are they exerting any emotions Marka could track and be able to make a path that intersects with his current one and theirs without losing progress on his search through the ship?

IC: the group with Marka find a lot of rubble from the crash blocking their path. “Well,” said one soldier, “This way’s not gonna work.” Marka let loose a sinister chuckle, “Oh ye of little faith.” He ignites his lightsaber and cuts a door through the rubble for them to continue their path. The group followed Marka, who deactivated his lightsaber for the preservation of whatever remained to them in regards to the element of surprise on their target.

OOC: Well lets just say they’re very, very… ‘irritated’ at this point, whereas Kai is more… very confused… very.

OOC: the confusion leaves him somewhat pliable for direction. The ‘irritation’ is also going to be of use too.

IC: Marka stops the group, he senses confusion in one direction and something along the lines of irritation in another direction. He sends to the confused mind a little ‘mind shard’ of sorts; it’s in no way painful but is, to the recipient if they are willing, a sense that if they go to a certain destination, of course taking the safest needed route, their confusion will clear in some way. To the ‘irritated’ ones, Marka recognizes the source and also plants a similar seed but this one is that they shall find allies that shall be of great help in finding a way to healthily vent these irritations. Marka, satisfied with his actions, moves himself and his team onward.

Massacre, Hope and Ruin feel a sort of idea pop into their minds to change course and maybe they’ll find something or someone beneficial to their goal of getting out from the maze that is the lower levels of the Empress’s current state.

Kai/Epitome/Ender feels an idea form in his mind; his friends were at the Empress and if he went there, his confusion could be cleared by those who, hopefully, survived the crash. It feels like the idea just might work.

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Hanzo wake s back up, in the same cave from his dreams.

He notices exactly where he was and went to see Genni.
He telepathically comms Marka and Sapphire.
Marka…? What happened? Never mind that, where are we?

Marks fills him in and gives him and Genni their location before sending the two ninja a frightening image to get them back to reality, Sorry about that but you shouldn’t be sleeping on the job. Marka’s words echoed in their minds as they woke up.

I wasn’t I swear! I passed out before the ship crashed and ended up in a cave I had dreamed about before.

After they got up and dashed out of the cave, A figure hugged the shadows.

Turning off his cloak, Kar-Fallen slowly and unknowingly follows the two

He activates his laser cutter to get through the door. He rigs some bombs behind the door, in case anyone tries to follow him. He looks around to see if there are any spaceships inside the hangar.

As soon as the hole opens up that he cut, lasers start shooting at the hole, seemingly coming from about 5 different blasters.

Eric shrugs, and walks to a different exit. The stealth suit is useful at times like these. He makes sure to cut the next hole quietly, although laser fire should more than cover any noise he makes.

OOC: Wouldn’t the laser be shooting at the opening of a hole, rather than the sound of you making one?

OOC: Yeah, but if I went to another place to cut the hole they wouldn’t hear the hole being cut, so they wouldn’t be aware that Eric made a new hole.

Two scientists in (What’s left of) the bridge finish on the big computer. “Okay.” One says. “Now to activate the intruder detection system.” He presses a few buttons and it activates, but it will take about 30 seconds for this initial reset to reach the far reaches of the ship.

One shooter signals the others to stop as he cautiously walks up to the door, searching for anything out of the ordinary.

One man sees part of the wall being cut, he quickly puts up his laser pistol, waiting for it to fall.

OOC: I’m saying it isn’t sound based. The ship knows that there is an invisible person on the ship, and it knows that something is trying to cut holes in it, so it is shooting at the holes. Nothing to do with sound.

Marka gets the signal and begins heading to the hanger with his team. “Sir, the intruder seems to have a penchant for explosives and I recommend we be careful as we likely will encounter such devices.” Marka nods, “Thank you, Sergeant. Send a small advance group to find any incendiary devices and have them report where they are.” The soldiers send about 5 men ahead to do just that.

OOC: These are soldiers, not turrets. They’re using sight and sound to detect the cut holes

IC: Aric cuts the hole, and retreats again as the laser fire starts. He shrugs, and throws a flash grenade in, along with a thermal detonator.

OOC: I think that would take longer to do.

The 5 soldiers arrive and look for bombs and their triggers so they don’t set them off.

Marka and the remaining troops he has are a couple minutes behind the advance team. Marka senses the intruder’s presence and he tries to figure out a way to ambush him with maximized stealth.