Spacial Reality: Secrets of the Universe

After the flash grenade and thermal detonator go off and stun the soldiers, Aric sneaks into the hangar. He looks around to see if there are any usable ships.

The advance team places little beacons near each bomb they find. Marka rounds the corner and tells the advance team to back away. A few troops set up shields around the group and Marka attempts to crush the bombs using the Force. The shields should protect them if they go off.

Rolls D20


The already defused bombs get crushed.

The group enters the hanger bay and Marka takes a bit of time but finds the intruder. He fired his blaster, leading his shot to hit the cloaking field generator on the suit.

Aric continues to try to see if there are ships in the hangar. If there are, he plants explosives. Once the new group entered, and the current one recovered, Aric watches them while working. He easily dodges the laser blast, it hitting the side of a random ship instead.

Rolls D20


Said ship explodes, the laser triggering the explosives

Rolls D20


Said explosion doesn’t trigger a chain reaction

Marka follows the presence and leaps to attack with his lightsaber.

OOC: gonna be off for a bit.

Throws impact grenade.

Rolls D20



Tries to throw another in time

D20 says 17

Does it hit?

D20 says 19

Marka is hit by the impact grenade! It is not a critical strike!

Three soldiers decked out with technological masks and powerful laser shotguns run in, looking for heat signatures of the intruder.

Most other ships needed a key, and few of the owners were stupid enough to leave the key in the ship after a break-in happened not even 2 days before.

Aric decided to leave the best equipped spaceship with a key present for last, and continued to set up bombs in all the other ships. He notices the new group, and throws a flash grenade

D20 says 4

Flash grenade lands and sparks a bit. It was a dud. ;-;

OOC: How did he have enough time to plant bombs on every other ship?

They shoot at the heat signature that just threw the grenade at them. The blasts were non-lethal, but if hit would paralyze the target until they were administered an antidote that the lab had devised, or after an hour or so.

Marka recovers and stays on the intruder like white on snow. His lightsaber slashing furiously. He kicks upward to try to stun the intruder via a strong hit.

“Ah, mental connection! Good!” Kai says, recognizing the mental intrusion instantly due to his long history of such. He immediately stood up from the waste deep popcorn, following the directions of said mental intrusion, casting a quick look through the ships newest hole in its hull. “Huh… glad to see th planet looks nice at least!” He said cheerfully.


“Hey, got a feeling we should go this way!” Glory said, indicating a different wall than the one Massacre was about to punch. “I… agree for some reason.” Massacre said in a confused tone, Hope also agreeing before they shrugged, changing their direction of destruction.

The Epitomes on the ship feel they should go around to a small area near the hanger deck and create a circle of sorts. They feel like a fight awaits them…and a familiar ally.

Kai feels like he made the right choice in accepting and acting on the idea, his confusion will be cleared once he reaches his goal of the Empress. He also feels the other Epitomes are alive in the Empress and it would be wise to join them and help them in their tasks.

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Sar sat down beside Marius. “I…I have a question.” Sar said.

“What is it?” An intrigued Marius asked.

“What’s it like?”

“What’s What like?”

Sar paused. “To be alive.”

Marius chuckled. “You tell me.”

Zablex smiled but kept his focus on his duty.

Marka was still keeping on the intruder, his anger strengthening his attacks and he wasn’t going to let this one get away, not this time. (@Omega_Tahu). The soldiers that were with Marka went to the troops that were already in the hanger to provide support. (@Runa)

Kai reached the area first, looking around in slight confusion before a nearby wall ripped open, Massacre and the others walking out.
“Oh! You guys must be those other Epitomes he was talking about right?” He asked cheerfully, Massacre and the others stunned for just a moment at the odd personality ■■■■■ from before.
“Pfft, of course not even you coulda %^(&!#& got outta that situation without damage eh Omnissicence? Or is it Epitome now?” Glory asked, scoffing as he recovered, a confused look flicking across Kai’s face before his eyes widened in realization. “Oh no, I’m Kai! The part of Epitomes brain that was… repaired after he was fried. Didn’t even know about any of you guys until Epitome managed to get healed enough to reemerge or whatever.” He said cheerfully, Hope cocking her head before nodding it.
“That makes sense considering how much trust seems to have been placed in you by certain others despite our own knowledge of ‘Epitomes’ personality.” She stated, seemingly unconcerned, a sense of… disappointment leaking off of Massacre as he stared silently, shaking his head and walking into his position, pointedly ignoring the now slightly confused Kai.

Impact grenade

D20 says 5


D20 says 17

Hits the bombs and the ship starts to explode

D20 says 3

Explosions do not spread

D20 says 5

Aric gets flown out of the exploding ship, beneath another ship. The explosion covers his escape

D20 says 17, suit still functional

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(@Omega_Tahu)Marka leaps to the intruder, his pain fueling his power. “You are a clever one.” He lifts up a ship and moves it aside with the Force. “But I want a capture today and I don’t care if I have to kill you to make sure you can’t get away.” He leaps up and makes a downward stab where he senses the intruder, the ship no longer obstructing his path.

OOC: He ain’t gonna let up.

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The shooters groan. One sends a report down to the lab, and the rest leave the ship, looking for where Eric might’ve went.