Spider-Man: Homecoming

I don’t really have any Flash-Like people in my school, but I have met some, and they don’t have to be bulky.
The worst one I know is shorter than I am.

Shocker revealed in set photo’s



Think he looks ‘alright’ - depends if he still has his over-powered ability to take down buildings or use his shockwaves against things.


I think that looks excellent.


I agree. The costume is clearly recognizable, but not as cartoony as the other one. Seems logical, given the more realistic approach the MCU has taken in most cases.

I can’t wait to see Vulture and the Tinkerer!


Yes, that costume has a good blend of recognizability and realism. I like it

There’s not much you can do with the amazing patched-up quilt man.

Well there’s a few things actually;

  • Using his shockwaves to deafen foes temporarily or incapacitate them
  • Having him break through buildings for an easy escape
  • Having his shockwaves be able to prevent Spider-man using webbing
  • Having his shockwaves bring down buildings

All of these would provide a unique or new method of intrigue to the battle. The prevention of Spider-man using his webbing is probably my favourite, because it would mean he’d have to find another method to defeat Shocker (Probably by tricking him into making a building fall on himself or something)


I was referring to the costume.


Ah… in terms of the costume, i think they should have kept the white eyes rather than the black lenses. The black lenses feel very Spider-man’ish while the white lenses would feel more unique to him. Other than that if they removed the backpack and widened the red bit slightly on his head, then i think it’d look better.

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New Trailer!


Variant with Shocker clips


Things I noticed.

  • I disliked them spoiling that Peter accidentally gives away his identity. Should have really kept that as a secret for the movie.
  • The police are after Spider-Man, which is nice to see knowing he’s a vigilante again.
  • We see a little bit of Shocker and Tinkerer. Hopefully Shocker has a minor villain roll and that’s it. I imagine Tinkerer is gonna help Vulture.

That LEGO Death Star cameo, though! This looks like a lot of fun.


I thought that was a Millennium Falcon.

The him revealing his powers to his friend causing his giant lego model to break was taken from Miles morales’ first run of comics so I’m kinda worried that we may not be getting Miles at some point.

That made me cringe. All those pieces everywhere! :persevere:


Vulture looks awesome.

I now have more confidence in this movie.


When I saw the Homecoming poster in Peter’s school I just thought, “Our jokes were going to be true!”

This looks too good. I really wonder how they’re gonna properly divide this movie up between Peter-Tony time/Peter at school/Spider-Man fighting crime. It’s gonna be a tough balance to strike.

Also, more varied casting! That’s always cool to see. :slight_smile:

I’m wondering if there’s gonna be more supervillains running around now that the Accords exist and technically superheroes are not supposed to stop them. It would make a lot of sense.

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