Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker Topic

We must have different phones.

J. J. said this in several interviews, he wants to ignore as much of the movie as possible, EX. no returning characters, and referencing the movie as little as possible. Also Luke isn’t dead for good.

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Which ones

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Phasma is dead for good, Holdo is dead for good, DJ is gone, and Rose is on thin ice.

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I meant for interviews. As for phasma and holdo, that’s not retconning, that’s holding to continuity

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Eh, they could have come back, characters have done it before. Also, I cant link any interviews at the moment, to busy, but I’m sure your find one if you looked it up.

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Debatable. She seems to survive worse than falling down a pit of fire. Seeing how a powerful swing from a Z-6 riot control baton (sorry) did little more than poke a whole through her armor (didn’t even touch her eye), I think we could see here back with a burned face and scarred ego in the future. I mean, there was a deleted scene where she came back anyways.

I don’t know how JJ said this, but it sounds to me more along the lines of “Don’t expect Ahsoka, Ezra, Holdo, Tallie, Ackbar (sniffle)…,” but seeing as how Lando is in it, that won’t be true.

And would Phasma technically be returning if she wasn’t dead in the first place…? :thinking:

And DJ not returning would be worse than nearly any move made in TLJ, excluding the fate of everyone’s favorite Mon Calamari admiral (unless you liked Raddus).


Phasma fell into a buring ship that exploded after, she’s dead.


escape pods? That nobody saw and weren’t filmed? Or were forgotten about then re-added in for plot convenience?

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The ship never exploded. Kylo and Hux were on it long after her “demise.”

We never did see her, Kylo, or Hux escape Starkiller in XII, and they had less time to leave.


Exactly my point.
If a whiny ginger can escape, so can a high-and-mighty glorified stormtrooper.

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Where she plummeted exploded if I remember correctly


Thats what I thought.

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Oh, well fire doesn’t hurt that bad.


Yeah, 3rd degree burns are like being tickled.


but it wasn’t

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I’m with you on this one, being completely honest, it was bad.

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I personally liked TFA upon first watching it, but it kinda relied on a good follow up to make all that build up worthwhile. I personally didn’t like TLJ overall, and it’s kinda killed my budding interest in the franchise. I could rant for hours about my thoughts on Star Wars as a whole, but this is a episode 9 topic so I’ll stick to that.

Episode 9 will take nothing less than an act of god for it to repair the damage that TLJ did, as well as deliver on its promises and plot points built up over the trilogy. I’m personally not excited, because I’ve lost faith in the folks up top making these movies happen.

Four movies into the Disney era of Star wars, and the brief window of redemption is passing them by. They need to figure out what they’re doing and how they intend on doing it before continuing. Because I don’t think this ship can weather another storm. (Especially when there’s a mutiny)


Oh, and by the way, J. J. Was talking about TLJ character specifically.

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Well then, DJ and Phasma were just surely added to my list of Star Wars’ “Most Wasted Potential.”

However, couldn’t that mean Finn, Rey, Poe, Chewie, and etc won’t appear, as they’d be “returning?”

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Ooh, good point.

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