Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker Topic

Ok maybe it didn’t completely ignore TFA but at the same time it was largely pointless and it was a terrible idea on disneys part to get a new director for arguably the most important part of any trilogy. Even my friend who’s studying film in college said so.
Good or bad at least had jj done all three there’d at least be a continuing story.

Maybe so, hindsight is 20/20, however a majority of the blame is on Ros, not tlj. As tlj did set up a finale, which was completely ignored.

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Although I agree that TLJ was one of the reasons this trilogy failed, saying that it was only his fault is just wrong.

Completely? Nah. But it indeed forgot virtually every single set up made by JJ.

Eh. Of course JJ would ignore TLJ and would make himself a sequel for TFA. I think it is obvious that TFA’s set up ending, not TLJ’s, has priority.

Come on mate. Both TFA and RoS had a lot of issues surrounding them too.

It is not the sequel that people wanted. It is a sequel that provides the wrong answer for the vision that JJ set up, aka the one that should have been followed.

I’d personally say that itvis the least important part, but you do you.

I mean obviously, but look at hiw many plotwholes JJ inserts in his writing.

Again: TLJ’s finally should have been ignored. TLJ was just a middle episode in a series and, especially in this case, acted more like a filler. TFA was much more important, let alone the fact that it was made by the same guy.

so I shouldn’t watch the new one?

Tbh, I wouldn’t recommend it to a casual movie goer. But if you are a Star Wars fan then sure. Give it a watch.

it’s just that with Khalsa721’s Hatred, and Critics and memes, it’s just Stressing me out and making me feel like I shouldn’t be a Star Wars Fan anymore

No. As long as you love it, nothing should take you away from what you like.
Who knows? Maybe you’ll love it. You can’t know till you watch it.

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Don’t be. Just do what I do and ignore the movies for the most part. The gems are in the books.

Khalsa has been spewing hatred towards stars wars for literal years,so no offense, but I’d take their opinion with quite a few grains of salt. As for critics, keep this in mind, they panned 5 when it first released

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well all right, just a lot has been happening and no offense to him but his Attitude is kind of making me worry

@Toa_Vladin I do want to watch it, I loved the TFA great and thought TLG was ok (not good but I don’t really like using those words so I say ok) and I would love to see it but the hate for the Sequel Trilogy it putting me off

I’ve been feeling the same way. Though I don’t think its the best Star Wars movie by any means, I still liked The Last Jedi (and I have genuinely enjoyed the prequels from the beginning), but all the continuing arguing and backlash inclines me to like even Star Wars in general less. As for me, at some point I will see Rise of Skywalker, though I’m not in a hurry. As someone who is more inclined towards a positive mindset, and am generally more easy to please when it comes to movies, I plan to keep any expectations minimal and wait until after seeing it to formulate an opinion.

Again, same here. I just want to have fun with Star Wars.

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Hey; I was right wasn’t I? TLJ was basically universally hated becuase rian decided it was a good idea to split the fandom. I said this movie would be bad having to clean up after rian johnsons mess; here we are now and it was that bad if not worse.
Also years? Maybe one year at most and I’m definitely not the only one who feels like that.

You want something Disney Star Wars I like; the mandolorian is absolutely amazing. That series is Why most of us got into Star Wars to begin with; just Fun space adventures. We don’t need or want real world issues in a series that is pure escapism.

This doesn’t mean at all that his opinion has no value or substance. Disliking the sequel trilogy should not be an argument for dismissing what he thinks or what he likes, especially on a topic about said things.

Eh. Imo it was better than what I was expecting.

Although escapism is kinda bad by itself but whatever

Well, no, it’s much more split then you give it credit for, which I’ve said countless times despite your insistence otherwise.

Uh, star wars has always been allegorical to real world issues, I mean Lucas has Vader quote George Bush Jr in rots for crying out loud. The only difference between then and now is then you didn’t get the allegory, whilst now you do.

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Let’s just end this discussion; I don’t like the Disney trilogy. So many missed opportunities and bad ideas.

Haven’t seen it yet, will see it Friday.
What should I expect/know going into it

If you disliked TLJ, expect a movie better than it, but not by a huge level. If you liked TLJ, what the heck is your problem expect a movie that tries to force TLJ in a corner as much as possible, while trying to make us forget that Johnson’s movie ever existed. In both cases, expect a movie that would desperately try to be appealing to both the fans of TFA and TLJ while also trying to wrap up 40+ years of cinema, reasons as of why it fails painfully.


this movie was garbage. JJ Abrams is a complete hack and the only reason hollywood keeps him around is because they need a safe lever to keep masquerading these '80s franchise reboots around for financial boons while cinema dies in the background. say what you will about TLJ, at least that movie tried to spark some innovation into a franchise that’s been dead since 1984 and which everyone seems to want to have a turn at in the box-office bukkake. interesting article pertaining to this:

Hey. Be careful with that statement. Star Wars certainly was never dead.

haha yes it is and they’ve been trading and defiling the corpse on camera ever since