Star Wars: Survival over Illum (RP topic)

KAdien continued walking, but his pace quickened ad he activated his staff to try and light up the cave more.

Ygdras shed a tear, “At what cost?” He asked Talzin before casting his eyes to his knife and looking at it curiously.

The light from the staff did nothing to light the darkness. “No purpose, lighting your staff has, hm?” A familiar voice questioned.

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“N-no. I suppose not.” Kaiden responded hesitantly.

@TheMOCingbird: “Like this, no good, fear does for you,” the vision of Yoda informed him. “Loss, we will face. Facing loss, we may fear. But come from fearing, no good does. Fear not, youngling, for the will of the Force, all is,”

@BlackBeltGamer98: “The road to true power is littered with pain,” Talzin told him. “But so is the road to the blind Light. Tell me, would you rather walk blindly in the light, or know true power?”

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“B-but, I need to protect! If I lose those close than-then it means I’ve failed!” Kaiden said as he looked around in the cave, trying to find what sounded like master Yoda.

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Ygdras looked at the knife, the three before him then the knife again, recalling how many of the old records in the Archives spoke of balance in the Force and of Master Kenobi’s words regarding Master Qui-gon.

“In pain, I learn where I am weak but in light, I see clearly.” He said showing his knife, “I am a Jedi, a guardian of peace and justice but I am, also, a son of Dathomir.”

“I choose the path between, to safeguard the Light but also wield the Dark; I am Ygdras, Son of Dathomir and a Jedi.” He lowered his head, eyes closed as he knelt, awaiting the judgement of his ancestor’s matriarch.

“Protected, not all can be. Failure, all will face,” the faint blue glow from the ice around Kaiden faded into darkness and an image of a glowing red spinning wheel flashed before Kaiden’s eyes, and what sounded like the voice of temple guards filled his ears. “Beware of the darkness…it consumes all…learn to let go…learn to accept failure…”

@BlackBeltGamer98: Savage raised his blade to strike the boy down, and the knife flowed purple, seemingly eager to see action.


“I’m a Jedi, I need to protect people, that’s what they do!” Ke shouted, tears squeezing out between his eyes. “If I can’t protect people, then why be a Jedi!” He shouted at the the voices, pressing his hands against the side of his head as he dropped to his knees.

Ygdras took a deep breath and let his fear fill him but not control him, as he let his instincts drive his actions and raised the knife to drive back Savage.

@TheMOCingbird: “You wish to do good, but fear failure,” they said. What appeared to be a temple guard, but with smoldering, broken armor emerged. The red wheel spun in front of him. “Don’t follow the dark path. You will experience more failure than you can imagine,” he said as a final warning before disappearing. In the ice, a small blur sparkle appeared.

@BlackBeltGamer98: Ygdras succeeds. Savage falls dead by the blade of his own relative. The visions disappear and the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn speaks to him. “You are now on a dangerous path. You will be tempted by the dark side, but hold firm. The Force will guide you,”
As Qui-Gon finished speaking, a blue glow emitted from the ice.


Ygdras manages to claw out the light’s source: a Kyber Crystal.


@EmperorDuckie “No! Please! I-I need to know more! No!” Kaiden said as he threw his helmet against the ice wall. He held his head in his hands, tears running down his face, yet he didn’t even notice the glowing crystals. After a few minutes, he slowly rose his head from his hands, and saw it. He slowly approached the crystals.

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They all sang and glowed, but only one called to him, in the middle of a small patch.

OOC: won’t be writing anymore for a little over twelve hours. Goodnight y’all


OOC Wait, he has a double bladed lightsaber, I could be wrong, but doesn’t that require two crystals?

IC Kaiden reached for the crystal and held it in the palm of his gloved hand. While he was still cold and shivering, he felt a wave of warmth, of power flow through him. He still didn’t fully know what the visions had meant, but he had gotten his crystal, and with that knowledge he pushed the darkness to the back of his head as he got up, and retrieved his mask with had a slight crack in it now right over the left eye from being thrown.

Ygdras held his Crystal tightly as he began to walk back to where the group had all split up from, seeming to have had a great weight lifted from him.

Kay continued down the passageway.

OOC: I still need more details on what her challenge should be about

OOC I didn’t want to cause confusion sorry

IC: Chimm kept walking through the corridors and eventually saw a pale blue glow coming from a hallway. He turned and saw what appeared to be master Kadiro. “Master!” He shouted, running to his fallen master. He got closer and realized… it was just an illusion. Probably the light reflecting from the cave walls, briefly giving the appearance of the blue skinned Twi-Lek. Chimm called upon the Force. “Show me something… please…”


Kaiden left the hallway he was in, and made his way towards the exit till he found what looked like a hub room pithing the tunnels, with several passages branching off from it. He attached his mask to his belt, and laid out all the materials he had collected for making his lightsaber.

Ygdras soon arrived in a nearby room and looked at his Crystal for a moment and then brought out his knife.

He sits down and takes out the components he took from the Venator’s armory and a fusion cutter. He begins taking apart the components and then began to arrange them into a basic lightsaber shape.

He brings out the cutter and knife, he felt a twinge of regret as he ignited the tool, he felt like it was what needed to be done but it still hurt him that he was changing its shape a little.