Star Wars: Survival over Illum (RP topic)

Kaiden took a deep breath and sat down cross-legged, and focused on the force to guide him to choose the right pieces. Engineering was not one of his strong points, but he also knew that he only had so much time before the clones arrived. After choosing the right components, he was left with his cut up portion of his old training staff to serve as the main grip, and simple small metal discs to serve as the blade emitters, as well as various other components to go inside the wooden grip to make it actually useable, and lastly, his yellow Kyber crystal.

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Ygdras looked at the pieces and placed every fragment of the knife into its place. He brings out his Kyber Crystal and whispers, “Time to wake you up.” With those words, he places the Crystal down by its cradle and sits down cross legged, closing his eyes as he let the Force guide his Lightsaber’s construction.

The pieces began to levitate, arranging themselves to ‘stand’ where they needed to be. The Crystal drifted into its place inside the Lightsaber’s core and the wires began to weave themselves throughout the weapon, connecting the power grid, emitter matrix and power cell to the rest of the saber. Screws and nuts nestled into their respective places, securing it all together, the metal fragments of the knife blade began assembling into the emitter’s outer plating while the wooden handle contributed to the hilt. Silvery inlays settled into their homes as all the coverings and plates secured themselves with one final motion, taking all the small cables, screws, spacers and the Crystal at the heart of it all and making them into one form, one weapon.

OOC: I’ll try to figure out a way to draw it or find some sort of reference image to use as a baseline.

Bower and Han were walking on their way on a central hallway.
“So… What should we do now?” Han asked his friend.
Bower shrugged, saying a few grumps in his language.
“Yeah… I don’t kno either. The others seem to know what they were doing. Maybe we should have followed them.”

OOC: I’ll need to know their main flaws to base the trials around

IC: As he continued walking around, he thought he saw someone else down the hall. He looked closer and it was his little brother. “Linn?” Chimm called out. He stooped down to look closer but it was just his reflection. This one was… different. It looked younger. It was his early years in training. “Master Kadiro, I miss my family,” his younger self told his master. “Oh, my child. You must learn to let go of what you love. You cannot change their death. Do not dwell on your loss, or you will have anger build up within. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering,” that last word echoed in Chimm’s head. The part of the cave he was in was now completely dark. He barely noticed the tears running down his face, and not lasting long before freezing. He blinked away his tears and calmed himself. ‘I cannot change his death… especially not by dwelling on it…’ he thought to himself. ‘I can only do my best to prevent others from facing the same fate…’ “I accept my master’s death, and my family’s death. But I will not allow my friends to meet them today. I am a Jedi, one of the only ones left. Dwelling on the death of others will not help me prevent my own or my friends’” he muttered to himself. Soon a pale blue glow showed itself in the cave. Chimm used the force to bring it to him, and the rest of the cave lit up again, guiding him to the exit area.

Ygdras carefully takes the lightsaber from before him, taking a deep breath as he held it, and activated the blade to see if he had built it properly.

With eyes shut, Kaiden used the force to construct the weapon, all of the pieces fitting snugly into place, and lastly, the kyber crystal floated into the center of the light saber. Kaiden opened his eyes, and picked up his newly constructed weapon. He rose to his feet, turning the grip in his hand, squeezing it tightly. It was a long weapon, only slightly shorter than a temple guards lightsaber. With a deep inhale, he activated it, and a yellow blade zapped out from either side.


With the iconic sound of the blade activating, Ygdras opened his eyes to see his Lightsaber’s blade was purple. He visibly relaxed and couldn’t help but laugh his tension away as he internally celebrated this moment: he had constructed his own lightsaber and passed the Gathering.

He deactivated the weapon and secured it to his belt before going to see if anyone else had passed the Gathering.


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A wave of relief ran through Kaidens body as he felt the near weightless weapon in his hand. He could barely believe he had done it, but his joy only lasted a few moments before he remembered they were still being hunted. He deactivated his lightsaber and hurriedly made his way to the exit, were the others were supposed to meet. He may run into Ygdras along the way.

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Which he soon would. The young Zabrak stood taller with an air of peace and relief as though a massive weight were lifted from him. He was also seemingly missing his knife.

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Ygdras might be surprised to see Kaiden without his mask. It wouldn’t be the first time Ygdras has seen Kaidens face, but judging by the red rings under his eyes, it was clear Kaiden had been crying. @BlackBeltGamer98

“Elf boy?” Ygdras asked.

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“Isn’t the job of the Jedi to protect people?” Kaiden asked in a broken voice as he turned to look at Ygdras, dried tears in his eyes.

Ygdras smiled, “Indeed it is.” He said stepping forward.

“Than what’s the point of being a Jedi if you fail to protect…” Kaiden said as his eyes drooped to the ground.

“There is something I read from the Archives: failure is the greatest teacher. In failure, we see what we lack but to dwell upon it is to let fear consume you. Failure is where we grow and where there is more to gain.” Ygdras said.

“So if some one dies because I failed, the best thing to do is just try to learn something and move on?” Kaiden asked. It was obvious he was asking himself this question more than he was asking Ygdras.

“The past cannot be changed.” Ygdras said, “to dwell on it is to deny living in the present and to be consumed by the Dark Side.”

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“I…I suppose.” Kaiden said as he turned to look through the entrance of the cave, out onto the snowy expanse of Illum. It was clear something was still troubling him, but Kaiden stayed silent.

Ygdras began fiddling with something in his hands. “I presume your Crystal found you?” He asked.

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“Yeah, I did. You?” He asked.