Star Wars: Survival over Illum (RP topic)

OOC Yeah sorry I’ll try to improve on that.

Ygdras barrels through a bunch of clones (because there was no GM action made by them when he charged) and calls for the others to get on the gunship as he tried to cover the other younglings. (Laying down cover fire)

Kaiden kept his shield up, trying to block any shots aimed towards the others. “Everybody get on!” He shouted, echoing Ygdras as he to covered their retreat.

Bower scoffed and entered the ship. Han followed him.

Kay hurried onto the ship, firing at the clones as she does so.

“Ok, Han get us in the air!”

Ygdras hops into one of the side gun placements and positioned it on the clones and fired the laser beam at the clones to help cover the remaining younglings as they made their way to the gunship.

After the last of the younglings got onto the ship, Kaiden finally bordered, and leaned against the wall of the ship for cover. He dropped his shield, and clutched his still mounded shoulder, with he had been carrying the rather heavy shield with. He could feel the pain crossing through him, but he had to wait till he knew they were safe till he could really relax.

“Good job everyone! We just have to be careful not to be shot out of the sky then we’re home free,”

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“We can use the force to keep us afloat.” Kay suggested. “If we work together.”

“Good idea” Chimm sat down, legs crossed, and began to tap into the force

Kay smiled.
She set her medical supplies on top of a crate and fiddled with her blaster.

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“I can blast their fighters with the turret and we do have missiles.” Ygdras said as he proceeded to use the turret to try keeping the clones at bay while the others worked on piloting the gunship.

OOC: Wait a minute, what of Hu Wang(?)? Isn’t he supposed to teach the younglings about lightsaber construction? And what of the Crucible; the ship of the ancient lightsaber architect?


“OK, Han, you know what to do. You know what to do. Deep breaths. Deeeeeeeep breaths…”
Han was standing in the pilot seat. He was never that stressed in jis entire life. His hands were shaking on the control sticks. He took another deep breath and started pressing some buttons. The engines of the shuttle turned on.
“Now what?” asked Bower from the co-pilot seat.
“I-don’t know…”
Kra?! You not know?”
“I told you I am not experienced enough! You dragged me into this! This is your fault!”

OOC: Crap I was hoping no one would notice my mistakes in canon xP

IC: “Han what’s wrong? Do you need help?”

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OOC: we could reconfigure the LAAT’s distress signal. (OOC means I’m speaking out of character, IRL. IC means I’m speaking as Ygdras in game)

IC: “Han, just go with your instincts!” Ygdras yelled on the ship’s internal comlink as he had the turret make a sweeping attack on the clones and some fighters. “Otherwise, this place will be our tomb!”

The ship slowly started to levitate as Han was pushing the control sticks.
“Faster!” Bower yelled.
“I-I can’t—”
“FASTER!!!” Bower yelled smashing the control sticks of the co-pilot with his hands.
Suddenly, before Han could react, the ship swooped out of the hangar with an incredibely high speed.

Kaiden shut his eyes as seemingly every muscle in his body began to tense up. Kaiden could always bare most things that might make others fearful, but if there was one thing he hated most, it was space travel in small ships

“Uh, guys?” Ygdras asked as they rocketed out the hanger, “How far are we from Illum’s surface?” He sounded nervous as he sealed his turret from the vaccum of space.

(@EmperorDuckie, @Ghid (because he’s a Co-GM))

“Not far. You man the turret and the rest of us will use the force to protect the ship”