Starkiller V3: the unstuck (my self moc)

the third (noteworthy) version of my self moc. a cybernetic being, starkiller has been many things in his years, such as an assassin, rebel, villain, hero, man, and god.

this version introduced pained parts. and is (for now) what I consider the “definitive” edition

hope you all like him.


Great work! I like the golden HF shield. Though, there sure have been a whole lot of “Lost ones” and “Wanderers” lately.

the sheild is silver :upside_down:

Oh. Well it still looks cool.

Not sure how I feel about the head, but it just gave me an idea…

This is a really cool MoC, and I like the paints, but the head looks odd without a jaw.

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That head looks really out of place IMO. It really detracts from the MOC, but the rest is pretty cool.