Station of Names (RP Topic)

“Thats because this is a different section of the slums”

“Are there any people headhunting 'round here too?” He asks.

“Its common enough but the place is well kept up.”

Runa nods along. “Hmm…” Would it be worth it… Runa thinks.

The creature starts walking away on his own

“Okay, I have so many more questions to ask, but getting an answer out of you without you trying to kill me just isn’t going to happen. So… bye?” Ehlek begins to run back to the town.

Thiura who had been able to avoid as much combat as possible was walking around the slums.

No.7 chats,
“If I fail my mission that it would be best for you to take my name. The reason I say is because of what I am. I’m a clone, created to be expendable. In my world they never found a way to stabilize the biological matter of clones. Well, they did but it required that we, clones, needed a biosource. If I’m unable to complete my mission, there’s essentially a time limit on how much time I have.”
He continues,
“Us, biosource clones, are unable to grow new biological matter. We need the biosource in order to copy that matter onto us. this is why I’m fine with giving you my name. Just promise you make it your own.”

He sighs and attempts to follow after but falls over

Slums seem to be empty due to Name Hunting

“So… How do you guys get biosource? Do you eat flesh or something?”

Ghartix looks for names. He decides to avoid the other beings he came to the station with.

No.7 chuckles,
“No, it isn’t that simple. We has a B.C.D back home. Also called a “Biological Copy Device”, it does what the name says. It reconstructs biological matter and replaces the clones old biological matter. The first thing to do on my list is find a biosource so I can borrow some of their time and copy their biological matter.”
No.7 looks at him,
“It’s a humane process. The people who cloned me didn’t want to lose my biosource. He was considered as an important ace.”

He comes across what seems to be a road that is devoid of cars or any vehicles. It probably led to another place of the station.

“Important Ace? Uh. I don’t know why they couldn’t make more ‘important’ aces’.”

“They used the clones for inhumane experiments, because the clones weren’t protected by law. Instead they made into biological enhanced soldiers.”

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Seeing as nobody were nearby. Thiura decided to scale a building once on top she sat down on the roof top looking down at the chaos that was the double name hunt/thing. She sat in a meditative manner.

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Wow, I feel bad for that guy. Ehlek returns to the nameless town. I’m going to find this bad guy and knock his head off. Maybe ask him a few questions first…

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Runa wanders about the streets.

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“Ah. Sounds normal. I guess” They reach the hospital which seems to be better kept than the rest of the slums.

He sees that the town is mostly empty of the people and weapons due to the hunting. Someone from Clown’s group seemed to still be here though.

It seems like a typical neighborhood. An armored individual could be seen watering their lawn.

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Ehlek approaches the person to ask more questions.

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Ghartix decides to not go down that road for now.

Out in the distance, a group of Nameless seem to be heading down the road.