Super Serums RP

“That works, I guess. One hundred dollars, you said?” Lauren reaches for her wallet. I guess I’m finding a job.

Bailey works at a local video game store for 5 hours

Current currency: $150

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Ivan reappears in the sky, and lands on the ground with a stack of big ones.

Bailey walks home after work, showers, and changes into more comfortable clothes, then takes a nap

Ooc- I gtg for two and a half hours, bye

The man, Marcus, wonders why every time he runs he goes past his car “Oh my god… That agility serum!” he shouts.

Scott somehow managed to get a job again. At the same Walmart he got fired at. He was really confused why they hired him again. At least I’m getting money… Apparently the Walmart ment to fire someone else.

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“Here you go.” Simon hands her the thermos. Up close, you can see that his hands are covered in scabs, and there’s a dazed look in his eye.

Bailey drinks half of the serum he was given and put in some earbuds. He proceeded to go for a jog

Ivan walks over to the Walmart and grabs a candy bar. He goes to the checkout station and finds Scott. “Hello my friend, how is vork?”

“It’s fine, I guess.” He proceeds to check Ivan’s candy bar. “That’ll be $2.”

OOC: I have no idea if that’s a realistic price

Ivan slams down a $100. “Keep za change, I bought rounds for our friends, jou should be included. I need to find our other comarades.” Ivan smiles and puts his hand out for a hi-five.

OOC: @Bobofoot don’t worry, I won’t keep distributing free money/serums, this is a one time thing.

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Scott takes the high-five. He then continues to work until his ■■■■■ is over.

Current balance: $308

Ivan eats his candy and walks to the bank.

Ideruba “Can we buy a vial?”

After Marcus comes to grips with his new powers, he remembers a job opening at a clothing store. He decides to check it out.

OOC: since everyone else is getting jobs I thought why not

Scotts’ ■■■■■ ends, and he goes to his house to eat lunch, then goes to the lab to buy a vial. He ends up picking the same one he had before.

Current balance: $208

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“You alright?” she asks as she takes the serum, particularly aware for any signs of lying.

Blake dashes past Simon and through the double doors.

Bailey ran past the lab while on his jog. He stops for a few seconds and waves to Lauren and Simon before continuing

@ToaTumult It’s fine, really.

@LTVmocs “Of course.”

@jayzor17 “Oh, well, it’s nothing, really. Science never stops moving forward, after all, and experimentation is rough on the skin.” You can see he tells the truth… but definitely not the whole truth.

@TheMOCingbird You see a pure white room, with three white doors. Out of the leftmost door, you hear Frederick muttering.