Super Serums RP

Ivan staggers. “Zis drink…Zeese animals! Ugggh, I must have had too much vodka last night…”

“Of course, for today, everyone can have one! Thermos or vial?”

OOC: ToaTumult, Ivan can now understand animals, and control small creatures (like insects).

Ivan notices the fly buzzing around his head, “I vish zat zis fly vould leave me alone, go bite za dog!

The fly: Ugh, now what… hey, that dog looks good! The fly goes and bites Blake.

Ivan begins to laugh unsettlingly loudly. “Ha ha ha! It vent and bit za mutt!”

“Oh, so you can control insects? Interesting…” Frederick takes furious notes. “Now Bailey, what is your decision?”

Blake is startled by the fly, but then sees all the pretty glasses that the man in the white coat is holding, he then leaps towards the tray of elixirs.

“Whoa, hold on boy!” Simon grabs hold of Blake in midair, falling over in the process. Most of the serums are spared, but a vial and thermos fall on the ground, spilling their contents and mixing together.
“Aw man… whatever, dog. Just don’t knock any more down, ok?”

Blake begins to lap up the spilled liquids.

Ivan laughs again. “You don’t vant to know vat he thinks of za taste!”

Blake barks, “Darn, this tastes awful!”

Ivan stops laughing, and looks incredibly pale, and begins to stare at Blake. He slowly takes off his sunglasses to reveal an expression of surprise.

Blake begins to feel very different…and things become much clearer…

Ability!: You are now sentient! For convenience sake, this is permanent and doesn’t count as your ‘active power’.
Ability!: You also now have flash-levels of speed. This is temporary like the other powers.

Lauren takes a step closer. “What’s the difference between the thermos and the vial, again?”

OOC And if I ever talk it is a translation of what I barked, for ToaTumult’s and your sake.

IC “Wait, wha-what is happening!” Blake looks up at Simon"What was in that stuff!?!" he barks.

Ivan continues to stare at Blake. “I’m not really sure I know dog, but I don’t think I vant to know eizher.

“The vial affects your body directly, the thermos alters how your body interacts with physics.”

OOC: The vials give some sort of physical power, and the thermos have a more ‘magic’ based power.

OOC Can Blake understand the humans, or can the humans only understand Blake.

OOC: I’m pretty sure he understands Ivan, at least for now. I don’t know about the others.

OOC: Blake can understand humans, and humans can understand Blake.

IC: Simon looks at Blake in wonder. “Oh wow, you can talk now.”