Super Serums RP

She takes down the face mask “Heyo. Almost right. I’m like you. But bootleg. Or maybe it’s the other way around and youre a bootleg of me. Or maybe we’re bootlegs of each other.”

“Bootleg, eh? What a…crude way of putting it. Anyway, what is it you need? I’m afraid I’m a bit shortstaffed right now.”

Ike bows his head “I’d honestly just wanna explore this place and know what’s going on around here.”

“Uh, I see… well, I don’t really organize tours, but if you like, I can–” He stops for a bit, and when he starts talking again, the tone is changed, more sickly sweet. “Move along, girlie. We don’t need another Lily, ok?”

“Anything I can help with?” she asks, more out of curiosity than hope.

Ike grins and nods His shifts seem to have a longer pause then ours…
Ideruba comments Absolutely great. Wonder if it stops everything he’s doing at the time or it’s just him talking mentally and you’re stupid for not realizing
Lily Talks to himself often like us. Love him already
Ike continues nodding “Understandable. Just wanted to check myself out.”
Lily adds mentally No homo

“Well, I dunno. I guess there’s no harm in it.” Simon sounds doubtful, but he leads you through some rooms and too a door. Putting a finger to his lips, he opens it. There, on the bed, lies Brendan, but he’s not in good shape. Black streaks run up and down his body, his left leg is missing, and bandages are wrapped around his eyes. His breath comes in labored gasps.
“H-hello? Who’s there?”

Lauren steps into the room. “Oh.” That’s all she can seem to say, her eyes analyzing the streaks.

Ideruba starts to look around the room commenting “Anything you do for fun? You don’t care about other realities?”

The streaks seem to be some kind of mutation attack. His skin cells have turned into microscopic flesh eating nanobots. You note that they also are releasing a chemical that is greatly amplifying his pain receptors.

“Of course not. Any reality that doesn’t have me in it is just a tarnished mirror, good for nothing but a trash heap anyway.”

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She winces at the thought, massaging her arms. “That… that’s awful. Who did this to him?” She glances to Simon.

Ideruba pauses thinking “Well sir. I can agree with that sentiment.” He slowly taps his foot. “You seem like an absolute joy to be around compared to people back home.”
Ike No u
Ideruba Yes me.

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Simon shrugs, but before he can speak, Brendan stirs, reaching out. “W-who’s there? Who’s there?” His voice is raised in panic, and Simon is immediately by his side, speaking in hushed tones and urging him to go back to sleep.
“Lauren… I thought I heard Lauren…”
“I know, I know, it’s just a dream. Go back to the dream, go back to the dream.”

His voice changes again. “Well, you at least know right when you here it. So, You look like me, you think like me, it’s safe to assume you’re a Quintet?”

Ike nods “We were only three. Recently became four but the new one is someone we’d rather shut up.” Sorry Os. We don’t know if they like you or not
Ideruba “Kinda wish we were like Billy Milligan and have 23 but we can live like this.”
Lily “His crimes weren’t that cool or grand though in my opinion.”
Ike “Horrible still though.”

Lauren shifts uncomfortably. She’s decided she doesn’t care much for this place. A nice Simon, a broken Brendan… it’s disturbing. She just wants to close her eyes, to shut it all out. And for a moment, she does. It’s like submerging herself in water. The way her senses feel shut off, muted. The way she has to open her eyes again, like coming back up for breath. A sigh escapes her mouth. Closing her eyes didn’t make them go away.

She steps forward. “I’m… not quite Lauren. I’m… just here, I guess.”

"Huh. I used to be a Quintet, but I recently lost my fifth. I’ve been looking for him everywhere, there’s no one to play bass guitar without him.

Brendan freezes.
“Simon, who is that? That isn’t Lauren. Sounds like her, but different. Feels different. Dangerous. Simon–”
“Hey, Hey, it’s fine, calm down. This is Rose,she’s nothing like Lauren. Now go to sleep.”

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“Wait, feels different?” She steps closer, her curiosity outweighing her indecision, eyes now focused on assessing his power.

Ike nods “Wouldn’t it be funny if my other guy was your guy but an amnesiac?”
Ideruba sighs “Seriously though. The new guy is an amnesiac. Seems to be foreign to us but similar enough.”




Bailey waits around, thinking

Brendan’s power is just as confusing as it is in your world. He seems to be able to sense emotions/feeling in others, and take away negative emotion (fear, anger, etc.) and pain, taking them into himself and converting them into dark matter blasts. Or at least, that’s how it should be working. Something, possibly the mutation, has warped his power, causing it to further amplify his own negative emotions and pain.

“Really? Oswald?”

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