Suuuuuper smaaaaaash brotherrrrs!

Discuss the all time best fighting game franchise of all time, Super Smash Bros, which has it’s 4th installment releasing in the next few minutes!

It’s great. I suck at it, but it’s great. I usually play as Pit, because his wings make it easier to survive falls off the edge. Plus, I can annoy everyone else with AIAIAIAIAIAIAIAI!

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Wo do you guys Main? I main Link.

I always do good with the characters with a sword, for some reason.

I have it for the wii and now I desperately want a wii u so I can play the new one. Anyways my main is Meta Knight.

I hate that Kirby is now E-tier. He was my main in Brawl and SB64.

I’m divided on whether I should get Smash for 3DS. I mean, on one hand its cool to have it with you (portable gaming ftw), but on the other hand, is it really worth paying $40 for it?

Well, I think it’s too early to trust any tier lists…
wishes he had a 3DS :disappointed:

But Sheik is my main, and if I want to mix things up I’ll go to Marth, Link, or Captain Falcon (PAWNCH!)

Tiers will balance as time goes on. They can update the game now, so I’m sure they’ll be taking advantage of that.

First step needs to be nerfing Pikachu

The tier lists are stupid anyway. Use what character you want.


I’ve mained numerous people, but in Brawl it was Mario, Lucas, and Lucario.

If I bother to get Smash 4, I’ll try picking up the the two Bowsers and Little Mac.

I will get smash
and I will play as villager all the time
because I like hitting people with turnips, trees, umbrellas, and other assorted items that you usually wouldnt hurt people with

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I play Brawl occasionally. The only characters I’m good at though are Link and Samus.

Pika spam(got nerfed and I can’t do it anymore), villager, olimar, and the almighty captain falcon

I’ve played brawl for several years and I really look forward to the wiiU version. I’ve never been too good at it honestly (though I can beat anyone I know IRL), but I still have fun with it.

Lately I’ve maining Ike.

Please tell me you’ve used his Chrom Alt Outfit.

I didn’t know there was one :P.

Finally got Smash, Robin will forever be my main.

Dat thorn tho

I have five Mains. Link, Samus, Marth, Robin, and Lucina.