Tale of the Timberwolves Reboot 1 Year anniversary Extraveganza Event Limited time offer (RP Topic)

The small man groans as he dislodges himself from the now very broken bunk.

“You stupid tin can.” Tyrkir said looking to Azurai. “We are forced into this.”

Hrothmir stares Azurai down as Azurai sighed. Valon why? he thought.

Lance sprung to life and threw his hammer in the direction of Emperor Death.

Emperor Death shrieks and dives out of the way. “What was that for?”

Lync falls flat on her back. “Curse your sudden and inevitable betrayal!”

Raina reacts quickly, firing a small blast of ice at the hammer to knock it off course, which misses. (because I got Kapura’d).

“Should’ve warned you” Artha said, helping Lance up “My baby brother is a violent sleeper”

Once on his feet Lance rings Artha’s helmet like a bell, with his armoured hand.

Grace hides behind Artha

"Aurora bumped her sister on the shoulder again “time to tell them what your disease is” she whispered.

“Oh um… i work with Death magic” Stravuna said

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“You picked the right guy to hide behind” Artha said, not caring for talk of magic.

Lance went to retrieve his hammer.

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Suddenly, a loud clap of thunder fills the room. “Enough!” Shouts Anria, “You are not children!” She turns to @EmperorDeath, “Um… who are you exactly?”

Hexios turns to Azurai, I have no idea what he’s talking about, you took the contract, you are just here to honour your word, now, I believe it is your turn to introduce yourself

William and Nathan look at Anria in surprise, both having been about to use their own methods to quiet the room. “Well done” they say in unison

Azurai sighed. “It could have been written better.” He mumbled to himself and took a deep breath. “What do you want to know about us? Because I feel as if anything we will say people will become confused about it and believe we are making it up.”

They believe my story, why not yours? Hexios shrugs

“Because we didn’t know this continent existed till now.”

Then you are from the other Continent? The Center Continent?

“I am not sure, I would assume so.”

We were all once from that Comtinent, it was the Birthplace of the Human Race. Tell them who you are at least He gestures to the group. Most of whom were probably watching the one sided conversation peculuarily

Azurai looked to the two. as Tyrkir sighed. “I always hated introductions.” He cleared his throat.

“I am Tyrkir, son of Ethgard. And that is my brother Hrothmir, first son to Ethgard.” He said as Hrothmir merely grunted. “I will let Azurai speak for himself.”

Azurai didn’t speak for a few seconds. “I am Azurai, everything else is nothing but history and ashes.” He said, looking to his longsword.

Stravuna seemed intrigued at the conversation, wondering who in the room had mastered telepathy.

(that moment when someone posts at the same time as you…)

“well now we all know who we all are” Aurora said

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Hexios shakes his head, steps forward, and points at Grace (@squeaverking)

William flips his dagger in one hand watching Hexios with a bit of interest, and disgust

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