Tekan, bionicle version: Beta-build

Yo! Look at this! Meant to upload this awhile ago but eh, whatever.

So yeah, managed to get this guy for cheap off of bricklink! Currently just converting his colours before I start to actually moc in Tekans look and additions.


Wait, so this is Takanuva, but with different builds and colors? Cool! I like the hands, they look cool.

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Oh ja, this is his Titan build from the phantoka/mistika line, I’m just converting as many of his pieces to black as I can before starting to actually build the true version of my Tekan moc from it. =P

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It looks so similar with 2008 Takanuva… Wait a second…

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Beta version mate, beta version, still trying to replace as many of his parts with black versions until I actually do anything, moc wise.
Mainly just uploaded this so I could show off the fact I managed to actually get this guy.

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It just seems weird for me. Why you don’t just make a new moc?

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I am but he was originally inspired from the Titan Takanuva so I’m trying to include parts of his build in Tekans, I just don’t have enough black pieces yet to complete the recolour so I can get into the actual mocing process.

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Daaang, cool! this is like what would have happened if the shadow leech completely got him.

Way to much black and Gunmetal

it’s literally just recolored 08 takanuva though
why not an original build?


Because I’m trying to fully convert his parts so I’ll have full access to the parts when I actually get to mocing him, basically Tekan himself was inspired from the Titan-Takanuva set so I’m trying to include at least some of his designs and such once I actually moc him out, that’s why he’s a beta-build.

@RogueToa To each their own, you should see what I have planned for him once I’ve fully converted his pieces and then actually started the mocing process with said pieces.

@Styrofoam Oh! XD
Didn’t actually think of that! You should see what Titan-Takanuva’ll look like once I’ve fully converted him and then subsequently what Tekan’ll look like after I use the converted pieces to make him!

Cool recolour.

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Thanks! Urgently just recolouring the standard Titan-Takanuva set before I actually make Tekans moc. It’s why it’s a beta version. =P

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