Tell Me About Your Dreams

hey guys.
i’ve been wondering, if anyone of you had dreams about bionicle, like venom had. if so, please tell me about them in this thread :slight_smile:

EDIT: you can also post your non-bionicle dreams in this thread


I actually dreamt about a BIONICLE video game project I’m working on. It was a jungle scenario, similar to that of Zaktan’s Jungle in BIONICLE Heroes.
Matoro was climbing a set of stairs for no reason and then Brutaka attacked him. On a square stone platform they fought to the death, and eventually Matoro was thrown into the water, where Hahli saved him.

Is this a vision or just a delusion?



I had a dream once where the Toa Mata were relaunched. They were the exact same from 2001, but they were in boxes like the Hero Factory villains of 2010-2011. In addition to that, they were in pairs, so there was some weird holo-display on the front that transitioned from one Toa to the other (in this case it was Pohatu and Kopaka).
Legacy Toa Mata!


i had a dream where i was in a gigantic lego store COMPLETELY out of glass with an about 7 meter wide picture of a makuta with just the BIONICLE text (btw there was no one but me and my grandfather in that shop :smiley: ). and in that shop…they had new bionicle sets for the makuta-empire era (maybe because i hated the glatorians). some random toa (and some rereleased toa) and TONS of different makuta. i can only remember two of them :frowning: .
one had a noble shelek as mask, and had scythes. the other one, i can remember had only one eye and had chains hanging everywhere from his body. also one arm WAS a big chain with a blade at the end.

“Reboot the BIONICLE universe or submit to the power of Makuta”
-Commercial Narrator Guy


My BIONICLE related dreams have usually always been the same; I walk into the store and see a new wave of sets that I don’t remember after I wake up. Recently, I had a very vivid dream where Throwbots returned in the new HF building style and they looked ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. I could probably replicate them if I really tried, TBH.




But in all seriousness, I had a vision that I’ll recreate at some point in the future.


I had a dream once where I was on vacation somewhere. I walked into a gift shop, and saw a BLUE TAHU. Anyways, I was so happy, and begged my mom to buy it. She said ok, and “Whould you like some of these smaller sets too?” (referring to the collectibles) She picked up some Kraata. I said “I think I’ll get the masks instead, Rahkshi come out next year.” COULD IT BE A SIGN ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


LOL i just imagined a little buy saying to his mum
“I think I’ll get the the maks instead, Rahkshi come out next year.” :smiley:
we seriously need an oracle telling us which sets will come out :wink:


I had a dream the other night that I had bought a rather large Lego set (judging by the size, way too expensive for me). I don’t know what set it was, but it included a new Jaller minifigure as a teaser for Bionicle 2015.
My fledgling lucid-dreaming skills got in the way at this point: I realized it was a dream and got so upset that the Bionicle thing wasn’t real that I woke up.
Also, would anyone be interested in a more general dreaming thread?


I had a nightmare in which “IrnakkxMesonak” was canon. I hope to never relive that nightmare EVER again.


Usually when I have a bionicle dream I’m in ta-koro and the whole first movie starts but at the end I’m like this awesome hero. So basically me in the first bionicle movie. ~Detox


My dreams usually has me walk into a store and they have every bionicle set along with random merchandise, i.e books or nonbuildable figures. Everything’s like 50% off, and I always have enough money in my wallet to buy EVERYTHING. Then I wake up expecting to see them on my desk.

They’re never there. ;-;


Being a Bionicle fan who started a little later than others (I started in 2007), every now and then I’ll dream that I’m in a store that sells Bionicle sets from all years (2000 - 2010). More specifically older sets, because I guess I’ve always just loved the idea of easily having access to buying those older sets without going through the hassle of buying them online.

Then similarly to @LelouchViBritannia, I’ll wake up expecting to see them on my desk.

And of course, they’re never there ;-;


after reading about all these awesome bionicle dreams, i think it would be cool if we could just post all dreams we wanna tell some people about (as Kookie suggested). but let’s just do that in this thread. :wink:
have fun

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I kinda wish they brought Throwbots back, even if it was just for a wave or two. That’s be great.


I have only ever once had a BIONICLE in a dream, as far as I know. The BIONICLE in question was a lime green titan (larger than official titans) with Stars Gresh’s head, and the name “Tormix Migo”, who got his name written in fire on top of a roof.



I love how you just knew that the Rahkshi would come out the next year.


yeah that was awesome. he’s like the bionicle oracle :smiley:

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I walked into a store then looked to my right at the counter there were little packets for kanohi and skull spiders
I was hype I ran to get a basket/bag and went to the display of the sets
I asked for one of each bionicle set
then my parents said you cant afford that!
I said I can if I believe and onua came to life and payed for the sets
then I heard my name repeated over and over
my brother woke me up, the freaking jerk