That Awkward Moment when(...)

That actually did happen to me once.
Not a 17 percent difference, but the assignment took three fourths of the year to complete, so, needless to say, I was angered.

TAMW a girl behind you is annoying you by continually throwing papers,so you try to get her back by throwing them back.

…the teacher thought we were passing love letters.The rest of the class is still teasing both of us about it…


Because love letters are definitely things you throw


They were just little scraps of paper from her notebook T.T


same thing happened to me in science class about a month ago

This happened to me once…one burner had a rice pot on it and the other had soup. I was supposed to boil the soup, but I turned on the wrong burner and burned the rice :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

My mother was furious


That awkward moment when you’re using your friend’s turntable and you bend the needle while also scratching the record.


TAMW you work from 10:00 AM to 3:00 the next day.

And you only get 100$ for it.


That Akward moment when you have no idea what to type but you’ve already hit the reply button. You then google search good ideas for that akward moments to then realize someone might have heard one of them. You then proceed to think and think. You think so much that you zone out and wake up in a hospital… In France. No one speaks a lick of English so you run out in a rage of confusion, every sound fades into a ringing sound. BAM! A black SUV slams on its breaks in front of you and a woman in all black with a rifle tells you to hop in. She tells you that you are a bionic enhanced superhuman. You were trained at the age of four until three years ago where two scientists(your parents) stole you from the lab and moved to the U.S. to keep you safe. She hands a gun like you’ve never seen. Everything starts to go black, you wake up again, in a helicopter. You fade away again and now you are parachuting onto a beach with a flaming helicopter racing toward the sea. You fade yet again and wake up in a bunker, you are tied in a chair surrounded by red and purple space ninjas. After a kick of adrenaline you brake out of the rope and proceed fight them off like a Jason Bourne, James Bond, Bruce Lee boss. You exit the bunker and high jack a jet. You fly back to your house, it’s 2:42 AM and then you know exactly what to type.


You call your boss and both of you are waiting for the other person to talk

Someone found the album I spent years to find in under a minute.

I want to access that library.

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That awkward moment when you think you see your friend out in public and you go to harass them and then out of the corner of your eye you spot your real friend but you’re already three syllables into your sentence and she’s turning around and so you have to decide to either quickly turn towards your friends do and repeat the sentence, carry through with your sentence then profusely apologize or just shut up and pretend nothing happened.

I think I made the right decision, choking on the word-vomit which just spewed like a flock of doves released from captivity and trying to explain myself in mute agony by pointing at my friend and the girl I gave the mispleasure of experiencing this.



That awkward moment when somebody’s post in this topic starts off relatable, but rapidly spirals into an overcomplicated and personal post…


TAMW you confuse someone for someone you know, and do something completely stupid and embarrassing, and then all you can do is have an “OH CRAP PLEASE NO, I’M SO SORRY, DON’T KILL ME” expression and quickly walk away. :stuck_out_tongue:

That awkward moment when your dad tries to sneak in a cringy as heck casual flirt with someone he strikes a conversation with. 0.o (Yes, my parents are divorced)


TAMW you’re me…

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TAMW you forget your power armor.


TAMW 30% RNG screws you over yet again. (I think I have a curse, send help)

TAMW the bricklink store that has all the parts you need has a minimum buy of 40$ and you don’t want to spend that kind of money

TAMW you’ve bever placed a bricklink order worth less than $45. XP

My last order was almost exactly a year ago, however.