The Ask the Politician Topic

MURDER? Did someone say murder!?

Thank you for the formalities. but what do you have to aid me?

Of course not, Chronicler! T-that would b-be propostrious! Right? Right?

My liege, cease contact on public lines.

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Indeed. we have nothing but wishes of long, fulfilled lives and happiness for the candidates.

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Nothing. I might consider it, but at the moment, I’m running for mayor of a small “county” in Spherus Magna, around the Av-Magnan sector on the planet. Speaking of which, the size of Av-Magna is roughly half of China.

Very well, I wish the best of luck to you.

before I snuff you

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My friend, grammar trumps transforming mechanical dictators. You will bow to me!

I want free money.
gimme pl0x


You see, I will provide you with all the energon, widgets, credits. or other. As long as you serve me.

Not if the EVIDENCE has anything to say about it!

You really should be more careful of where you take your conversations, sir.

You can get free money by getting a JOB! There, I helped.

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I heard rumors that Looch is plotting against you! What do you do?

What do you mean? No such thing happened!

I can’t.
I have to get a life first
and that costs lots emone

And you should be more careful of were you poke your disgusting nose!..


Then pledge to me.

I’ll provide him free money…

If he gives me his soul first. My Soul-stealing staff is at the ready.

Looch can’t do anything. I stole his soul for the planet’s power.

What? Energized Protodermis barely provides our needs anymore.

I can help you get life insurance, if that’s what you need…

Disgusting is hardly a word I’d describe for my “nose”… IF I HAD ONE!


Not much. He’s not really a threat to me.

And neither are you that are planning your silly coup :wink:


Slime, we should work together in taking these guys down.

I see, well. best of luck.

Or, you could join me, and survive.

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What silly coup?

I swear, you are crazy.

Hail Megatron.

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Folks, I found something:

Politicians, we must unite! Toss away the nasty attitudes, the lies, the possibilities of anarchy, and migrate! To the stars!