The Bionicle G1/G2 Connection Theory Topic

Okay, I guess! :smile:

It’s maybe not quite confirmed yet. Eluded to as a possibility maybe, but the bottom half of the Mask of Time may very well exist in the G2 universe. We’ll have to wait and see if LEGO takes the Mask of Time route later on and if they explicitly say, “The bottom half is in another universe.”


if they do a connection I wonder if they’ll just retcon Voporak with the bottom half

certainly would make things easier

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I prefer the term “connection”, personally. I think the implication of the second, bottom half of the Mask being missing is pretty obvious. What else is that supposed to make us think?

However, I doubt that anything will actually spring from it. The implication will be that the Mask was once whole, but got separated, with the top half in the G2 universe and the lower half in the G1 universe. Nothing needs to come from it, but it opens up doors for fans to postulate a connection, at the very least…


Theory: Makuta tried to use the Mask of Time and when the Toa tried to stop him they sliced the mask in half, splitting time in 2. This way Makuta and the Toa and the 2 halves of the Mask of Time got split into 2 different timelines, G1 and G2. But the Toa didn’t arrive for a little while because the ones who are closest during the separation take longer to divide than those who are wearing it.

I think that’s the new way of storytelling in Bionicle: Exhibit it as a standard simplistic story but let the implications make it more complex and open to interpration from fans. It’s GENIUS!!


This is my theory connecting Gen 1 to Gen 2:

Makuta Terridax survived the battle for Bara Mangna, even though he was killed by Mata Nui. How, you might ask? Well, remember that Terridax is an energy cloud, which is how he got control of the Mata Nui robot in the first place. When the Moon hit the Mata Nui robot it the head, the moon killed the robot body, NOT Terridax himself (energy can never be created nor destroyed). Of course Terridax probably took a while composing himself after his “death.” Eventually, I believe, he would rise/reawaken again and fly off into space (he is energy after all) looking for more power. All the Toa, Glatorian, Matoran, Agori, and Turaga notice Terridax’s reawakening. They decide on launching toa canisters (with the Toa Nuva inside) into space to follow Terridax, while the rest of them would stay and try to build a rocket to go after Terridax (or something like that). Meanwhile Terridax (being energy, is faster than the Toa canisters) flies over to Okoto and sees the Okoto Makuta’s jealousy for his brother Ekimu. When Makuta builds and puts on the Mask of Ultimate Power (thinking it will give him enough power to stop all threats and have the villagers praise him instead of Ekimu), Terridax (being energy) flies into the mask at the last moment, and takes control/ corrupts Makuta. When Ekimu knocks the mask of Ultimate Power off of Makuta’s face, its too late, Terridax has already corrupted Makuta and now is in control off him and his actions. Terridax/Makuta now wants more power in order to destroy the Gen 1 Mata Nui, Toa, Glatoran, etc.

“Wow” some might say. That’s pretty in depth stuff, but you forgot about the Toa Nuva in the canisters flying through space, and what of the mask of Time?

To that I continue my theory…
So the Toa Nuva are traveling through space when they smash into the planets that are seen on the prophecy wall in “The Legend” video on From there they are unconscious. At this point enough time has passed as to where the protector villagers use the upper half of the mask of Time to summon the Toa. In reality, the light shot out of the Mask (as seen in the animations) draws the Toa from their respective crashed planets, upgrades them (at the same time, wiping out all of their memories), reseals them in their Toa canisters, redirects them to Okoto, and gives them a boost so that they can get their faster.

What of the Nuva symbols on the 2016 sets? some might ask.
Honestly, in conection with my theory, they would be symbols given to the Toa (that match their Nuva symbols by chance) that would give them new upgrade (2016 upgrade) and mastery over their elements.

My theory, as in depth as it is, still has some gaps like WHY DOES LEWA CONTROL PLANTS AND NOT AIR?!?! WHY LEGO?!?! :smile:


Yellow is associated with wind and air more than green is in western media. And lewa is green so… Plants it is

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That makes sense, however, Lego (and Bionicle) is Denmark, not America.


Something that may come into play if there is a connection is the Adaptive Armour.

What I can imagine happening is the Toa being pulled from the G1 universe by the Prophesy of Heroes, and the Adaptive Armour attempting to adapt the Toa to the G2 universe, but then shorting out.

The Armour makes the Toa more physically similar to Okoto’s inhabitants, gives them weapons that can double as transport across the large island, adapts Lewa’s element to match its Okoto equivalent of Jungle, and generally adapts the Toa’s physiology to the new universe. But doing all this overloads the Adaptive Armour, disabling the mask powers and zapping the Toa’s memories.



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What the heck is a Morro?


Maybe he is referring to the Ninjago ghost villain?


unless if G2 if is a prequel to g1
idk if this is right but wasnt the mask of creation in G1?
and if this is right it would explain how makuta turned evil


Considering that G1 makuta was a species this is impossible.

refer to here for the deets: BIONICLEsector01

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he could still belong to the species couldnt he? unless if he makes them useing the mask of ultimate power

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The problem is new Makuta is a protector and the old ones were created by the Great Beings directly.

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could trediax make an exact copy of himself?

Evil masterminds aren’t known for sharing power.


Ok is there a mask that can change reality in bionicle?

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The Mask of Time could hypothetically do it. We just don’t know.


Destroying the Vahi kind of has that effect.

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