The Boards How-To Topic

No, onebox, as in the badge.

Oh, oneboxing refers to when you post the text form of a link, i.e.

The Boards How-To Topic - #137 by legomaster1378

And the boards automatically convert it into a small “snapshot” of whatever it is you’re linking to, like this:

It happens anytime you link to another boards topic with no spaces before the link, plus it affects some other sites I think.



YouTube, Amazon, and I think a few others.

Hey there! I recently saw that there exist the exist the reader badge. To take it, I need to read a topic with at least 100 posts. Do you know a topic with at least 100 posts? Can you link me it please? I will be very happy if you do it, and if that post will have tons of images.

I want a new badge too


We actually have search parameters that can help you find topics with over a hundred posts. Here’s how to access them:

1- Open the search bar and click on “options”.

2- Make the “minimum post count” as high as you want and then make a search.



I really need to read them all or just I can see them?

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I mean, technically you could just scroll through all of them. The Boards’ software can’t tell the difference.

That being said, you’d probably be better off reading through a topic that actually interests you. You’re bound to find something if you use that advanced search picture.


Thank you very much!

What are the specifics of how the polls work? As in, are folks able to vote and the only way to end the voting is to close it?

How do I delete my account?

@dewson12 Ask a mod to deactivate it

How do i post images on mobile?

When you create a new post, there should be blue text that says “Upload”. Press that, and you can either take a live picture to upload, or choose from your phone’s current library.

For example, I’m on mobile right now. If I press upload…

…I can upload this screenshot!


Thanks! Now i know :slight_smile:


Hey, so I’m sure someone has asked this before, but how do you do the strikethrough text?

[ s ] [ / s ]

No spaces tho

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Thanks man. Now lets just hope that I can remember this time

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Question: how do you make tiny text?