The First Resistance (RP topic)

“I’m sorry, Brother, but you forced me to do this.” Raphael’s voice suddenly called out.

Michael, sighing, pressed the button on the pager.

##“I am no brother of yours you sub-sentient FILTH!”
came hateful words of venom

Raphael sighed.
“Goodbye, Ayet.” He said, as three figures would suddenly rise up from portals around Ayet.

A thin blade pierced through Ayet’s torso before he could monologue further
####“You are fallen”
comes the voice of a matte black warrior with four floating limbs one of them clutching the rapier that was driven through Ayet.

"You are impure"
comes a softer feminine voice connected to a conglomerate of elaborately patterned red cloth with detailing in golden threads, caked with wax from the flaming thing’s candle like body, a golden censer-like crown decorated them.

Pallid flames gently washed over Ayet as they spoke

                          You are no longer required

That last sentence came from a barely visible figure, little more than a hazy shimmer in a humanoid form. with a voice that seemed silent and yet could be heard clear as day.

Ayet gasped as the haze drove a claw into his chest causing the armour to buckle

I couldn’t care less


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“Don’t worry Ayet. I’m sure they’ll make you nice and comfortable at Whitegate Fortress.” Raphael solemnly said as he stood by idly, watching the scene.

Jonathan stood up, bewildered.
“Okay, What just happened?!”

                       None of your concern

“I think it would be a concern if we just watched someone on our team be banished by three dudes who pop out of nowhere.” Said Eric.

Don’t worry about it. says the female voice with a reassuring tone

“Thank you, She Who Purifies.” Michael said to her.

"OH that’s right I have a name now!"

“Do you happen to know the whereabouts of The Xir’algath?” Uriel asked.

More importantly how did you let THIS happen?

#####“Rel has a point”

“I don’t know. Our Sacred Seal just mysteriously broke all of a sudden. I don’t know who is behind it.”

A sigh came from the bundle of flaming wax and cloth

“It’s not like you would have been able to know either.” Said Raphael.

"I was referring to Ayet"

“I don’t know how it happened. But there were signs. Signs we shouldn’t have ignored.”

another sigh came from Rellidena

“I wanted to see the best in Ayet. I really did. But it was a mistake.” Raphael sighed.

“But we can’t waste our time dwelling on our past mistakes. Now we must focus on bringing down The Xir’algath.” Michael said.

#####“Well we have to go…we must remain vigilant for anymore signs of the fallen.”