The In-Between (RP Topic)


Blaze hadn’t encountered this stuff before. He looks for any sign of the buttons’ sensitivity.

Blaze had encountered the substance, it was the same stuff as ALRA’s boxes.

Blaze pulls out his firestaff and cycles through the settings to figure out what the melting point is.

It was unaffected by his efforts.

“… The Karzahnni is taking so long?!” Tekan yelled, having been leaning silently against the wall for a while now.

ALRA picked up Spirax and dropped him in another room.

“What’s next? What’s next?!” Spirax yipped happily, glancing around quickly.

“Walk in a circle.”

“K!” Spirax practically shouted, walking in a nearly perfect circular path, twitching slightly as his eyes flitted around, visibly restraining himself from scurrying off his path as he grinned wildly.

“Pace back and forth.”

Spirax immediately stopped his circling, and giving a small spin of a turn before starting to pace back and forth, going nearly the same length and line as the when he started.

“Do a flip.”

OOC: I’m going to be off for a while.

As soon as the word flip was said Spirax quickly stopped before launching himself backwards in a flip, his wings extending and flapping slightly as he gave off a ‘whee!’ of… Whatever it was he felt.

Hitora and Hepohepo waited for what he needed then to do.

Nameless kept watch from the shadows unless the lights flashed on here to, in which case

The illusion around him poofed away with the darkness, revealing him to the group. In one hand was a slightly different looking SPG, in the other the Shaded Roulette.

“You are new.” Said ALRA.

“Why Yes, I am. I’m after them and their comrades.” He gestures to Hitora, Hepohepo, and the others in the room. “I’d suggest you hand them over.”

Hitora activated his gauntlets, while Hepohepo watched, ready for an interesting encounter.

######“Testing, wheee!~”

“You have as much power to act as they do.”

Nameless took aim at Hitora. “Good, then I’ll be a asking them.”

Hepohepo laughed. “How? What’re you gonna do, attack us with the nonexistent shadows around here?”

Nameless’ eyes widened as he took a step back, thinking up a plan.