The Lab :RP Topic:

The pack backs off, but stays near the end of the hallway.

“So you don’t like that huh, well then back off!”

Several growling noises emanated from the end of the hallway.

“I warned you!”

“Sup?” asked Traykar who had followed Tabar.

Tabar jumps “don’t scare me like that! Where have you’ve been?!”

Knight hears conflict and walks to it with his sword and shield ready.

"I was in the other room, I got bored and followed you.’

“I met some other guy and said you went to a testing area”

“What? I was in the same room as you.”

“Really?” Tabar hears another person walking by “Wait I hear something…”

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“um, Hello person.”

Knight hears voices and rounds the corner. “Hello.”

“Are you another subject?”


“Yes.” He nods at Traykar.

“Do you want to help us with a plan?”


“We need to go somewhere private first”
