The Lab :RP Topic:

OOC:I’m not sure how that would help.

Melts the guns. Or if that won’t work he increases the temperature of the air around him for about a foot to stupidly high temperatures so either the bullets melt before hitting him or the floor under him melts and he falls through.

The floor under the toa melts and he falls onto a catwalk," What’d you do? ANSWER ME!" Demanded the AI,

Elsewhere, in android hell, the AI’s screen popped into the room,"That is an unacceptable use of this laboratory’s supplies, and equipment, so I hereby order you to cease Imedeietly. "

“Aww, why? I already got a couple built!” Spirax said, pointing at three fully built androids, nowhere near perfect or their original design but they did look like they’d function.

“This is where malfunctioning androids are sent to be recycled. These aren’t recycled.”

“Yes they are! See, I recycled them to make new ones!”

“No, this would constitute as reuse under The Three R’s system.”

“Well isn’t that just as good?” Spirax asked, fiddling with an energy core like device before it started glowing, Spirax gasping happily before putting it into the chest of one of the androids.

“No, They are almost as defective as yourself.”

“Aww… thats perfect!” He cried as the android started jolting around, fizzling as it’s eye lights and such flashed on and off. “Uh-oh.”

The AI smashed it with one of the wall plates.

“Good timing, it was probably going to blow up, or go on a homicidal murder spree like my last one… he was fun.” Spirax said reminiscently.

“Now, are you going to get back to testing, or are just going to create more of these murderbots?”

“Oh fine… where is testing anyways?.. that way!” He said happily as he pointed in a random direction and started going that way.

“Stay put. The claw will come and get you.”

“OOH! A CLAW! Like that claw game then? The one where you can never catch the prize?”

“Something like that.” muttered the AI as the pincher dropped down from the ceiling.

“So? Can it pick me up or will it drop me?” Spirax asked mischievously.

“Pick you up, obviously.”

“Oh really? Those claw games never work! So obviously neither will this!”