The Last Resistance (Battlefield)

“How have we not seen that this entire time?”

OOC: it just appeared.

IC: No time for questions, just go!" The angel knight shouted. Other angel Knights appeared, battling the Xir’algath and giving everyone else the opportunity to escape.

“In case you haven’t noticed, I can’t fly!” She growled.

“Well, it’s your lucky day, miss, 'cause we can.” A glorious pair of angel wings unfurled from the knight’s back, flapping a few times before he took Ashley’s hand and carried her to the fortress in a Peter-pan fashion.

Fury silently protested as she was dragged into the sky.

The knight landed on the fortress. He let go of ashley, brushing off her shoulders awkwardly and hoping that she wouldn’t kill him. The other Knights gave the other warriors a lift as well.

“So what now?” She asked.

Runa, being capable of flight, flew there himself. “Okay, now what?”

“Come,” The knight said, leading the group inside the fortress. “It’s time that you all know the truth.” They entered a large, regal hall. In the center was a large, table, occupied by a band of other white angel knights.

“Truth about what?” She asked.

Y"The war." The knight said.


“My name is Michael, one of the high Archangels of The Council of Life.” He began, introducing himself.
“Long ago, the multiverse was a peaceful place. All races of beings, from across space and time, were peaceful and benevolent. However, there were Five Races that ruled over them all. Us…” Michael looked at a painting on the wall. It depicted the Council of Life, The id, The Collect, The Infinites and the Xir’algath living in harmony together. “-And them. We have existed as long as the multiverse itself. We knew upon our self creation what our mission was: to create and protect the world’s and beings within the multiverse. The Xir’algath were never always this way. They were once peaceful and kind beings, until…” Michael showed them another picture of a Xir’algath warrior. He was the largest and strongest, and seemingly the most brutal. The picture depicted him sitting upon a throne of the skulls of his enemies. “-Him. Taghiat Quasia. He was the Xir’algath’s leader, my brother. One day, he had become convinced that he should be the rightful ruler of the multiverse, that he alone was the only being with the power and ambition to do so. It hurt to see my brother so consumed with greed. We knew we had to stop him, so we exiled him from the multiverse. However, it wasn’t without struggle. Somehow, he had gotten all of the Xir’algath on his side, and we hashed it out for a period of weeks before finally driving him out, and banishing him with our Sacred Seal.” Michael turned to face the others. “Since then, my brother and the Xir’algath had only grown more bitter and brutal. For a period of time, they knew that they could not directly fight against us. So, they worked through other beings in the multiverse, subtly influencing their subconscious minds.”
He showed everyone a picture of their worst enemies. Among them were the Gamemaster. Mark clenched his fists at the sight of him.

“But then, 90 years ago, the Seal had been broken. To put it simply, I had been once again been betrayed by someone whom I trusted.” Michael said, briefly bowing his head.
“-And now The Xir’algath have gathered their strength, and caught us off guard in an unprecedented attack that shattered the multiverse. And now we need your help to stop them and restore order.”

“And now we go murder them? Right?”


“I can go do that.”

Michael put his hand on Ashley’s shoulder to stop her. “Woah, there! We didn’t bring you all here just to give you a pep talk. We saw you struggling on that battlef, and only we have the weapons capable of defeating the Xir’algath.” .

He lead everyone to an armory, filled with all kinds of weapons. All of them seemed to draw their power from a special glowing crystal. “It is the only element in the multiverse that the Xir’algath are weakened and killed by.”

“Huh, convenient.”

“So I get to choose one of these weapons?”

“Take your pick.” Michael said.

Ashley picked up one of the crystals and examined it.

It was long, prism shaped, and warm to the touch. The crystal glowed from within. “Wow.” Mark said, grabbing an entire sword forged from the crystal. “This would fit me well.” He said, swinging it around and practising with it.