The Last Resistance (Earth)

Justin noticed something on the ritual alter. It was a card. He grabbed it, and studied it for a moment. Suddenly, a horrifying realization dawned on Justin as he passed it to Jeff. “Looks like we know why the Plague Doctors wanted my Ankh.” Justin said.

“Because…a playing card?” Jeff asks.

“Not just that. Look at what he’s holding:”

“Okay, but it’s just a picture on a playing card. Was he trying to become the person on the card? That’s stupid.”


“No. I think it was…something else…” Justin turned around. “I have this weird fragmented memory, though i’m not sure when it happened. In the memory, this weird cloaked guy showed me The Emperor card as, some sort of prediction for my future. He said that I was either destined to become something great…or lose everything that I could comprehend. Somehow, I think this is intertwined…
Anyways, we need to head back to the base and report on this.” Justin urgently said to Jeff.

As the group approached the base, it was found in ruins. Commander Scarr and the soldiers were gone, nowhere to be found. The fort was up in flames, covered in blood in some places. “What happened here?!” Justin said, horrified.

Suddenly, A large, Black ship appeared over them. The Xir’algath mothership. A beam shot down from the ship, and They were sucked into the ship.