The Last Resistance (Earth)

Justin breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank god, finally somebody agrees with me!” He stood up as well.

@jayzor17 Justin then turned to Marissa . “-and you?”

OOC: Stop pinging me; I know where I need to reply.

IC: Marissa shrugs. “Fresh air never hurt anybody.”

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OOC: sorry

IC: the huddled crowd in the dining hall began murmuring and whispering amongst themselves. It became obvious to Justin that the 3 of them were starting to make some waves. “You can’t leave.” A voice suddenly said. Justin turned around to see a short man with a receding hairline. His robes were dirty and ragged, having been worn away from the time spent in bunker. “I won’t let you leave.” The man said again.

“Why not.” Jeff asked. “What does us leaving have to do with you?”

“You have no idea what could be waiting for you. And you could potentially jeprodize all of us if you let something in. For all we know, we could be the last people on Earth!”

Marissa turns and walks to the hatch.

The man saw Marrisa’s and attempted to stop her. He grabbed her arm violently. “Don’t you dare think abou-” Justin clocked the man in his face, sending him to the ground. “Never touch a woman…” He murmured as he climbed up the ladder and attempted to open the hatch.

“Need help?” Jeff asked as he made sure no one else was going to try to stop them.

Marissa tuts at Justin. “What, you couldn’t let me punch him myself?”

Justin was at a loss for words. “Uh… I’ve just been cranky from spending 3 months down here and that was my breaking point.”
He opened the hatch with jeff, and a blinding light flooded in the darkness of the bunker. As Justin began to climb out, the man said “You do realize that we won’t let you back in if you leave?” Justin shrugged. “Fine by me.” He said as he stepped outside. Justin’s vision adjusted to the brightness, and he gasped at the sight before him.

“I think You guys should probably see this…” He called down to Jeff and Marissa.

Jeff squinted as he left, letting his eyes adjust to the light of the outside world.

The landscape had been completely transformed. The city was gone, having been obliterated by the Xir’algath’s bombs. There was nothing but miles of ruin and wasteland.

Marissa pokes her head above ground, scanning the wasteland beyond.

“That’s definitely not how we left it.”

Jeff squints as he turns every which way, looking around. “It’s like someone summoned Catasptrophe out here.” He muttered.

“-but there has to be something out there… we need to at least try to look…” Justin said as he bagan to walk through the wasteland.

After a few hours of travelling, the group spotted a figure in the distance. He was limping, as if he were injured. Justin moved felt something “off” about the man.

Jeff readied his grappling hook in case a fight would break out, and slowly starts approaching him.

Marissa follows on Jeff’s heals, keeping an eye over her shoulder.

“Sir, are you okay?” Justin asked, slowly approaching the man. He turned around, revealing a rotted, skeletal face. It was a zombie. The Zombie growled with delight as he shambled toward his potential meals.

Jeff flung his hook at it, trying to score his face, then whipped it around to do it again, sideways this time instead of diagonal as before.

OOC: for reference, he’s using it like Trevor Belmont uses the Morning Star in the Castlevania show.

Marissa aims a blast of searing heat directly at its rotten face.

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