The Last Resistance (Mothership)

Ashley smacked any that got close to her.

The robots that were smacked fell to the ground. However, the robots came in overwhelming numbers. A robot clmanaged to crawl up Ashley’s back and suddenly attached to her neck.

Runa shoots laser blasts around him, trying to keep them at bay.

Aris slashes ferociously at the with his rapier.

Jeff held out his hand. “Spire!” He called, a massive Spire of rock forming above the Xir’algath and falling on top of them.

The Xir’algath melted down to a puddle, slithered out from underneath Jeff’s fallen spire, and reformed their bodies.

The robots kept on coming. They crawled onto Jeff, Runa and Aros and attached to their necks.

Justin, Mark, Skader And Trevor also had their necks attached with the robots
The robots scampered toward Cydonia, Glub Glub. Hydron, Ghartix and Bones.

Ashley tried to rip it off.

It wouldn’t budge. The robot appeared to have morphed into some sort of collar.

She continued to pry at the collar, her fingers digging into the sorounding skin.

The collar shocked ashley. The Xir’algath laughed at the sight of her squirming.

She started to foam at the mouth as she akwardly stumbled to her feet.

'Awad 'an 'aqtarih ealayk 'alla tafeal dhalik.” a Xir’algath scolded.

The robots would approach hydron.

She lurched forwards,slowly taking one step at a time.

The Xir’algath continued to laugh at Ashley struggling even to take a step.

She continued to step forwards, her foot steps were slowly starting to get more frequent.

The Xir’algath’s laughing slowed down when they saw this.

Runa waited. He knew how to get rid of it, but he wanted to wait until the Xir’algath and other robots went away.

“Excalibur!” Jeff called as the Venus energy sword formed in his hand. He goes to attack the Xir’algath.

Aris transformed into a cloud of bats, flying out of the collar and reforming, making a thrust at the monsters attacking them.

However, nothing happened to Jeff and Aris when they attempted to use their abilities. The collars seemed to have “shut off” the powers of those who wore them.

She continued forwards, her shallow weezy breaths merging into a low growl. She pushed onwards, the shocks growing in intensity, with bolts of electricity arcing off her small form.

Kam min alwaqt hataa taqalaa؟” (How long until she’ll fry?) A Xir’algath asked. “ybdw 'anana naakul algharir almashwiu allayla.” (Looks like we’re eating roast badger tonight.) Another Xir’algath said.

One of Ashley’s eyes started twitching, and her pace continued to speed up.

Her fur began smoldering from the overwhelming amount of electricity. “Oh God, are we really about to have another medical emergency with her?” Mark groaned.