The Last Resistance (Mothership)

She shoved it off of herself. She shuddered briefly, her breaths shallow and wheezy.“Would anyone else like to take me on!” She shouted down the hallway.

No response came, save for the brief flickering of a dim light.

She forcefully kicked the body of the creature before continuing fowards.“You coming?” She asked, not looking back.

The others quickly followed without responding. “So, do you know where you’re going at all?” Malekai asked.

“It’s not like you know any better than I do.”

Malekai shrugged. “Actually…” he then decided to shut his mouth, preferring not to lose his other arm.

“Well of you know where the exit is, then I’ll gladly let you take us there.” She sarcastically replied.

“Um, okay…” malekai said, shyly stepping forward in front of her. “Follow me.”

Ashley tailed the Matoran closely, not exactly trusting his judgment.


“This way.” Malekai said, leading Ashley around a corner.

She stepped down the dimly lit hallway

The group came into a more brightly lit room. It seemed to be some sort of laboratory. Justin looked around, observing all of the different equipment and experiments. He saw tanks constaining the zombies that he had encountered on earth. And research papers talking about some sort of “Gene” in human DNA that allowed a being to bond with Xir’algath DNA on a cellular level, and become a “surperior being”. There were images of humans with some sort of black ooze bursting from their bodies. Justin recognized some of the people in the images as members of the group of soldiers he had been with on earth.

“What is all this stuff?” Justin asked Jeff."

Ashley punched one of the containment tubes.


A zombie stumbled out of the tube. It then quickly shambled towards Ashley.

She rushed the creature, trying to knock it off its feet.

The zombie stumbled over ashley’s feet, and and it began to fall towards Jeff.

Ashley quickly tried to shank the fiend at the base of the neck.


The zombie’s head was separated from the neck by the screwdriver.

It rolled off it shoulders, and the zombie slumped to the ground.


Suddenly, Justin saw a man standing before them. Nearby was an empty syringe, filled with the residue of some sort of red fluid. The Man was commander Scarr, from Earth. Justin was shocked.

“You ready to get the snot beat outta you?” Ashley growled.

Commander Scarr raised his hands up. “now now, just allow me to explain first…” he said. Justin then noticed that the scar on the Commander’s face had disappeared.