The Last Resistance (Space)

The Plague Doctor cocked his head at Glub, confused. “A sun cult kiosk? What the heck are you babbling about?”

Skader turned to Ghartix. “Whaddya say? Wanna check out what Glub-Dude is lookin’ at?”

Glub comes back with blood covering his mouth
“The cult of the sun set up Kiosks where they can sell products and expand, it also happens to be free food for me”

The Plague Doctor nodded slightly, a bit terrified of Glub at the moment.


The group wandered near a very conspicuous looking shack. “Maybe our dude can be found here.” Skader suggested.

“It’s possible.”

The Plague Doctor shrugged. “Guess it’s worth a shot.” The group wandered into the shack. It was a smoky scene, filled with all sorts of different beings and speicies doing labor and constructing various machines. Near the back of the room was a tall figure, barking commands to the others in an unknown language. Skater backed away slightly. “So, which one of us is going to go up to him?” He asked nervously.

Glub doesn’t say a word rather he slowly strides up to him like he was in a spaghetti western.

OOC: Glub is a carnivore and also really hates the sun cult

Aris walks towards him, putting a vial of blood he purchased into his pocket.

Je’l-Karimm noticed the two beings approach him. He made a few snarling noises, which was actually his native language. Realizing that Glub and Aria didn’t recognize his language, he attempted to speak in English. “Who are you? State your business.” He ordered, his words barely understandable.

"We’re lookin’ to do business on the behalf of ‘the captain’ "

“Ah yes, the captain.” Je’l-Karimm said, reminiscing. “I haven’t heard from him in a while. Well, what has he sent you here for?”

“Pretty sure we’re here for some weapons or something. I wasn’t paying 100% attention to what the captain said.” Ghartix says, approaching Je’l-Karimm.

“Doc here knows the precise order something about genetics though”

“Well, to specify, I have encountered some ‘creatures’ that I had thought had been gone for a long time.” The Plague Doctor replied. @Runa “Could you describe these ‘creatures’ for me?” Je’l-Karimm asked Aris, his eyes narrowing.

Aris stared back coldly. “Black, slimy, tentacle-y, if I recall correctly.” He responds.

Je’l-Karimm paled. “Follow me.” He hastily said. He lead the group to a warehouse, filled with many stasis tanks and pods containing the creatures. “I was ordered to house these tanks by my associate.” he said to the group. “Who?” The Plague Doctor asked. “He means me.” said a voice. The Plague doctor turned around to face… another Plague Doctor. He had a sleek, silver mask, with animalistic eyes glaring through the holes. His body was covered by a cloak and hood.
It was Plague Knight.
“Hello, Trevor.” Plague Knight said, cocking his head and waving. “I should’ve known it was you!” Trevor shouted.
“You were supposed to be our loyal leader, but you immediately abandoned us and left Earth during the invasion!”
Plague Knight chuckled in responce. “Why wouldn’t I leave? Earth was invaded for a reason. This is the judgment of the Divine for humanity’s sins. Besides, I wasn’t going to allow the heroes to defeat me. And, I have a friend helping my Cause…”

Suddenly, a Xir’algath warrior appeared. He had a tall and slim build, with a robotic right arm with built-in with surgical tools. “You must be part of the resistance that I have heard so much about.” The Xir’algath doctor remarked, grinning

“Well forget the stuff now we kill, any objections?”

“Nope, no objections.” Trevor responded. He drew out his pistols and shot at Plague Knight. Plague Knight darted away from the bullets, dodging them at lightning speed. He wagged his finger at Trevor in disapproval. “Unwise…”

“Let’s just get this over with…”
The Xir’algath doctor pulled a switch, opening the tanks and releasing the monsters. The monsters jumped out and clambered about, scampering up and across the walls. They spilled out into the streets, attacking and wrecking the marketplace. The pedaled and shoppers scattered, fleeing from the monsters. In the chaos in confusion, Plague Knight and the Xir’algath doctor slipped away.


“After the monsters! Elimate them!” Trevor commanded, chasing after the monsters with his pistols.

Glub glub released a salvo of bullets towards the monsters aiming for the joints as to dismember them

As a monster charged towards him, he was knocked down the bullets and hit the ground with a thud. its body twisted about, writhing around and seemingly reforming its body into a more suitable shape.

Near Glub, another monster leaped onto a market stand, rummaging through the contents and then harassing the shop owner. The owner fell on his butt and backed away, holding his hand out in front of his face to shielding himself from the monster’s inevitable attack.

“Stop that”
Glub blasted the monster through the skull? (OOC: is there a skull?)