The last Toa S1 Chapter 1: A new Team

Hey guys.
This is the first chapter of a story I make together with @Xorizeghian and @cotorax. I hope you enjoy it.

Un’Jaguk was walking on the warm beach of Chrana Magna. He was happy, after all this years, he returned home, and nothing could interrupt the silence and peace which was covering the island. But suddenly, it sounded again: the explosion, Matorans running everywhere, the volcano exploding corrupted bat like villagers flying above the red sky.
He tried to run away. “This can’t be good!” He was thinking. “Please, not again! Please!” But then he stopped. He saw him: Lirfrost, on a beach, with a heart in his hand, trying to kill a Toa of Water. The Makuta turned his head to him, to see his despair, and then laughed, like he loved it.
Un’Jaguk woke up. It was another dream, another nightmare. For the last few years since Lirfrost killed his Toa Team, this dream was scaring him every night. Pohatu tried to calm him down, to explain him that the Makuta didn’t knew where they are and that they are save now, but Un’Jaguk was still worried.
He jumped out of his bed and prepared himself for another day. He took his sword and exited his room, searching for Pohatu on the halls of the castle. After the destruction of Okotoand Pohatu’s arrival, he became a Toa of Metal. He became Pohatu’s sidekick, which was pretty cool. However, he had a lot of jobs to do each day, which was boring and exhausting.
He found Pohatu in his bureau, talking to Okemu, the Protector of Stone.
Pohatu: Ah! Un’Jaguk! You finally woke up!
Un’Jaguk: Hi, Pohatu.
Pohatu: Are you OK?
Un’jaguk didn’t respond.
Pohatu: Another nightmare?
Un’Jaguk: Yes…
Pohatu: I told you to calm down! Nothing bad can happen now!
Un’Jaguk: Yes, Pohatu. I believe you. But look at our people! They are refugees. Chrana Magna may be their home now… But can we really protect so many citizens of a danger like the Makuta, if our teams couldn’t?
Pohatu sighed. He looked at Okemu, and then at Un’Jaguk.
Pohatu: And this is why we need to find other Toa.
Un’Jaguk: There aren’t other Toa! We are the last ones!
Pohatu looked at Okemu and both nodded. The Protector took a piece of paper, and looked at Un’Jaguk.
Okemu: There are four more Toa on other four islands, populated by Matoran. We called them to form a team, and all of them accepted. In order, they are Lhijaro, Toa of Gravity of the island of Krinna Nui, Leekkhahu, Toa of Sonics of Levva Nui, Kovaan, Toa of Ice of Chryna Nui and Exetriz, Toa of Lightning of Heria Nui.
Pohatu: All of them are Toa just like us. Their teams died a long time ago. So this is my plan: I’ll form a new team and together we will protect Chrana Magna.
Un’Jaguk: I… I don’t know what to say…
Pohatu: If I was you, I would go and prepare myself. They should arrive in two hours.

Meanwhile, a pair of dark red eyes opened in the shadows of Okoto. They were Lirfrost’s. He and Teridax, were standing in what remained of the Forge. A body was standing in the corner. It was Ekimu’s, dead as well.
Teridax: Brother. Have you felt something?
Lirfrost: Yes brother. Something… odd.
Teridax: What, brother?
Lirfrost: I can feel Pohatu and another Toa.
Teridax: Now? How? Why? You didn’t feel them in the last ten years!
Lirfrost: I think I know why, because they are not alone. Other Toa are coming. Four more.
Teridax: They are trying to form another team! I’ll send Ehverin to kill them all!
Lirforst: No brother. I want Pohatu alive.

Pohatu was standing on a chair at a rounded wooden table. Un’Jaguk was standing next to him, anxious. Suddenly, the door opened and five figures entered in the room. First of them was black with trans-green accents. He had spiky shoulder armour, a sword and a blaster. The second one had golden and gray armour, with a beast like mask, a sword, and a saw blade. The third one had white and gray armour, with a long chair wrapped around the neck of a weird black and blue being, with multiple legs. The fourth and last one was black, with some gray accents and a blue Skull Spider on his face.
Pohatu: Welcome! Welcome everybody! Please, sit down!
One by one, each newcomer sat down on a chair. Even the beast jumped on the one next to Un’Jaguk.
Pohatu: I am Pohatu! Toa of Stone…
Golden and silver Toa: The last survivor of the Toa Team from Okoto bla bla bla! Yes. We know you. I am Ezetriz! Toa of Lightning from the island of Heria Nui!
Black and green Toa: I am Lhijaro, Toa of Gravity from Krinna Nui.
Black Toa: I am Leekkahu, Toa of Sonics from the island of Levva Nui.
White Toa: And I am Kovaan! Toa of Ice from the icy island of Chryna Nui! And this beast over here is Gurby! Isn’t he cute?
Gurby open its mouth and stuck out his tongue, like a dog. Un’Jaguk force himself not to look disguised.
Ezetriz: And you? Who are you? The Toa of Sand?
The Toa said, joking by Un’Jaguk armour color. The other three Toa chuckled.
Un’Jaguk: Ugh… Actually no. I am Un’Jaguk, Toa of Metal.
Ezetriz: Un’Jawhat? Is this even a name?
The other Toa chuckled again. Un’Jaguk was furious, and Pohatu saw this.
Pohatu: That’s enough! Stop laughing! Un’Jaguk is my second in command, and he may be the leader of the Team.
Lhijaro: Leader? I thought you are going to be the leader.
Pohatu: I wasn’t the leader of my Team with a purpose. If Tahu couldn’t lead us and save the island, then I’m sure I can’t. This is why I don’t want to lead you. Plus, Un’Jaguk had been the leader of a team before.
Kovaan: Yeah… I prefer to stay out of this too. I don’t really feel like a leader today.
Pohatu: Lhijaro?
Lhijaro: Me too. Thanks, but no.
Ezetriz: No problem, Lhijaro. I’ll rule you all and…
Un’Jaguk: Excuse me?
The Toa of Lighting slowly moved his head to face Un’Jaguk.
Ezetriz: What?
Un’Jaguk: I want to be the leader too…
Ezetriz: You? Don’t make me laugh. Because of you, you’re Toa team died!
Un’Jaguk: Few minute ago you didn’t even know by name and now you know my backstory!
Ezetriz: Excuse me? Are you trying to say that I isolate myself on my island? No kid. I learned about your team, and about Pohatu’s and about others too. Plus, I am a Toa before Pohatu himself became an Uniter. I have more experience and…
Un’Jaguk: And you are a bigger jerk.
Kovaan started to laugh hard. The other Toa smiled or chuckled. Ezetriz was angry.
Ezetriz: So you think you would be a better leader?
Un’Jaguz: Yes, sir.
Ezetriz: Then why don’t you prove it on the battle field? Right here and right…
But suddenly a loud noise like a scream could be heard. Thousands of voices from the city next to the castle started to yell, scared. Before any Toa could react, the whole ceiling was destroyed by a massive body. The Toa exit the room on a balcony, before they could be crushed by the bricks felling from the ceiling.
The new Toa Team could see a massive brown and orange dragon, devastating the city, incinerating the buildings, and eating the poor citizens.
Lhijaro: Oh, no!
Kovaan: We need to do something!
Ezetriz: No problem, brothers! We’ll kill that beast!
But somehow the dragon heard the Toa talking, and quickly moved his head to see them. Then he left the city and flied towards them. Un’Jaguk was so terrified, that he couldn’t even blink.