The Mandalorian: Star Wars' First Live-Action TV Show

Well, love has managed to seep into almost everything these days, even things that just target young boys. The Solo movie is a good example, and odd one considering Han and Leia area thing. Love is everywhere and it sucks. I hate how every cool character has to become a hero or emotionally connected to someone. I want a cool, evil, merciless protagonist that I can watch destroy people and things alike. This happened to Boba in the EU I don’t want to see it again.

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Because love is, like, real. It’s an incredibly important part of everyone’s lives, and kind of the center of high school. Even when there isn’t love, people make it up with “ships.”

In my opinion, that makes them so much better. It’s the hero side I love to see, and if they just had no connections with anyone, they come off as boring or heartless, which I don’t want to see. I mean, even Boba Fett did a bit of flirting in Jabba’s Palace, which helped us see a little more of the man behind the mask. Even the coolest characters have emotions, and typically if they don’t, that’s because they had the broken somehow.


Yeah but this isn’t a highschool anime. It’s a tv show about a western bounty hunter(?).[quote=“ToaNoah_Wafflemeister, post:42, topic:46777”]
In my opinion, that makes them so much better. It’s the hero side I love to see, and if they just had no connections with anyone, they come off as boring or heartless, which I don’t want to see. I mean, even Boba Fett did a bit of flirting in Jabba’s Palace, which helped us see a little more of the man behind the mask. Even the coolest characters have emotions, and typically if they don’t, that’s because they had the broken somehow

I want to see the villain side of my villain, and the hero side of my hero. If the mandalorian is infact a villain I want him to be low down scum fit for the outer rim. I don’t need a heroic villain.

Well, no, but it doesn’t have to be anime. I was speaking about real life. Love is kind of a universal thing.

Which he most likely won’t be. He’ll most likely be hired to clean up the Empire’s rotting corpse, which is where the seized AT-ST probably plays in.

Oh, well, I sure do. Thanos was great. Heroic villains are so much fun.


Well villain protagonists are a thing

But even if he doesn’t have any redeeming qualities, he should atleast have some depth or he’ll come off as a flat guy who just looks cool and kills for either the job or for fun.

There’s also the chance he’s neutral, since the only guys we see fighting him are possibly targets and stormtroopers(kinda sends the message he’s not quite a hero, but not entirely a villain, then again evil vs evil could be the case)


I think he’ll be in a place under imperial control where storm troopers are in the way of the job and he’s an outlaw. I don’t think killing storm troopers is his job.[quote=“ToaNoah_Wafflemeister, post:44, topic:46777”]
Well, no, but it doesn’t have to be anime. I was speaking about real life. Love is kind of a universal thing.

Wrong order but whatever. You mentioned highschool before and this so obviously isn’t highschool and that was my point. It was also said that Boba flirted in Jabbas palace which didn’t effect the story at all which made it okay (Also that’s not love). I don’t want love to be a strong plot point.[quote=“ToaNoah_Wafflemeister, post:44, topic:46777”]
Oh, well, I sure do. Thanos was great. Heroic villains are so much fun.

Heroic villains aren’t villains. Ends justify means. I want someone who does what they’re hired for.


Neutral is more than likely considering bounty hunters are neutral.

Edited for double post- Prentice1215

The Empire is gone. Death Troopers may be the only surviving part of it, if they’re not even just Guild members in the armor. The AT-ST in the trailers seems to have been stolen by pirates, so I assume our protagonists are hired with bringing it down. The girl is even a former Shocktrooper, which is a really neat backstory.

My point is that love is such a major part of people’s lives, that highschool is basically planted in it, when teens’ hormones are all over the place. I’m not saying adult life is like that, I’m just emphasizing its presence.

Your point is that it ruins the character, my point is that it makes them 3-dimensional. Boba Fett is a flirty guy, that gives him character, despite it being nothing more than that.

That’s not true.

That comes from Machiavelli, who essentially fought for absolute monarchy. He basically wanted what society today would call a villain. If you have to kill half the universe for the other half to live, I’d argue that the end doesn’t justify anything.

Which is probably what would happen, unless we get a Ventress scenario where the hire was all a truly villainous act that would do much more harm than betraying the hirer would do.

Honestly at this point I have nothing to add. To continue is to go in circles.

I want a character that bounty hunts both as a revenge quest and as a way to sometimes help others while stopping scumbags, but also doesnt want to be seen as a hero/get roped into galaxy-wide nonsense like in the movies. I guess similar to Han Solo, but where he actually tries to act like a cold person, and has a truly dark past. Maybe he does it for love, that could make it cool AND give him moral justification to operate in a gray area.


Qi’ra and Han were adorable and their relationship enhanced Han’s character. Fight me :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

So… you want to watch the world burn?

What exactly would the purpose of such a story be? What would it’s overarching lesson be about? That those with power are doomed to abuse it? That people become trapped in ever-increasing cycles of violence? That the galaxy isn’t worth saving and should be destroyed?


Slightly off-topic here, but it’s not like people fall in love once and only once. If anything, Han having had a love-interest earlier in his life is more realistic.

Still, I’d agree with being against giving the protagonist a love-interest. It’s just such a trope nowadays; I’d rather see them try for other ways to build the protagonist’s character and show humanity and such.

Though that makes me think: do we even have a name for this guy?


Yes, he’s The Mandalorian. What more of a name do you need? :stuck_out_tongue:

My guess is that either he’s going to be a brand new character whose name will be revealed and not really mean much, OR, knowing how involved Dave Filoni is on the show, I think it’s possible that this is a canon version of an old EU Mando like Fenn Shysa or Bardan Jusik and they’re keeping the name under wraps so it comes as a surprise in the show.

Hyped either way.

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My expectation was the first option; I always forget how much these guys love their connected universes. :stuck_out_tongue: Really I was just wondering if we had something to call him other than “The Mandalorian” or “the protagonist”.

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Via this article, it seems that he does, in fact, have a real name. Whether we’ll learn it or not is a different question.

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[quote=“legomaster1378, post:51, topic:46777”]
So… you want to watch the world burn?


A tragic story where evil wins is what I want. Good is well, good and all. It teaches a good lesson. But I don’t need a cliche lesson. I want death and carnage.

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Imma be honest

Considering it’s Star Wars, I’m not sure if works(unless it’s a swerve)

And as cool as it sounds to certain people, I’m not sure such a simple story could hold as much water considering the lessons and adventures of that series

Also it doesn’t serve to teach. It would serve more as an outlet of violence


Yeah, I highly doubt I’ll get what I want. Hopefully it’s just a good series that does things right.

We should come up with a shorter fan name and try to spread it around like TR-8R was. Maybe Mando? Mando Fett? Mando is actually a real name, so it kinda works


Like Revenge of the Sith?

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But Tray, from Anakin’s point of view the Jedi were evil.

That means he’s the good guy. Good wins :stuck_out_tongue: