The Minecraft Legend

From some time, I am interested about the Minecraft “Legends”. Over now, I know 5 Legends, and I even think I meet one. The Legends I know are:

  1. Herobrine
  2. Entity 303
  3. Null
  4. Lick
  5. Entity 424

The one I meet is null. I was running and looking in one direction. Far, in that direction, I see a black shape. First, I think it was a horse, or a sheep, or something else, but when I looked again, the shape was gone.
Since very few folks have seen the Entity 424 (I think only 9 or 10) I will tell you his story, only if at least 5 people will ask for it. When I will make the story, I will make another topic.

Now it’s your turn! Have you seen a Minecraft Legend? If you do, reply your story!

Yeah, this is gonna work better in the Minecraft topic.

I’ll move it over there.

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