The MOC drawing topic

I have a few MOCs that I’d like you to do:

Self-MOC: Bokarda the Toa Monster
Original Mutated Form: I’d like to see him roaming through a jungle, with one clawed hand grasping a small tree and cracking the trunk.

Post-Metamorphosis Form: I could see him looking into a pool of water, only to see his original form staring back at him.

Enhanced Form, Post-Metamorphosis: I’d like to see Post-Meta Form staring into a wall of ice, with the Enhanced Form mirroring him

MOC: Fraga the Mad: Since he’s a scientist, I’d like to see him standing over an empty operating table.

MOC: Kallus: The upright Energy Hound. He could be standing behind Fraga in a subservient manner.

Let me know if this is too much :laughing:


I’d ask you to draw my MoC, but you look like you’re pretty overwhelmed, and I know how that feels

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Oh I already looked up the topic. :stuck_out_tongue: My sister has finished hers and I’m halfway done with mine.

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Great, I’ll be happy to see them.

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Sorry about throwing this in here with all this overflow! Just kinda got worried over… You know, getting a spot so far back I might not get the pic.

So, uh… Could you possibly draw Kelt for me?:

And if it’s not to much trouble (or greedy/rude) could you also throw Velta in with him?

As for position… um, Kelt with Velta on his back (if you do include her) walking a around or just sitting down or something? And location, overlooking from atop of a cliff? Or just similar to what you did for your first pic? I dunno, your choice, don’t want to be pushy!

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@Sabretooth I need a name for the topic please. I’ll post it as Sabretooths moc drawing for now though.

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Sure thing! Ander 2.5

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Could I get a name please?

I put it on the topic, but it’s Toa Rohkarn.

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I always ask this of people doing free drawing.

My self-moc is a wide-shouldered, tall, black-suited boi with a red tie and yellow/goled eyes. He’s a Toa of Ice with an Akaku.

Draw him as monstrously as you can. Make him a 2sp00py nightmare. I leave the specifics and pose up to you.

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Do you not have a picture?
@Ghidora131 Ty. So is he actually wearing a normal suit and tie?

Oops, right.[quote=“Kikoa, post:33, topic:41910”]
So is he actually wearing a normal suit and tie?

Yeah, basically.


Hey I wanted to know if you’re open to doing this guy. I’d do it myself but I have ZERO artistic talent when it comes to drawing. :stuck_out_tongue: I interested in how he would turn out, especially with the piping. As for his name, it is a self moc so Toa Hakaatu.

And here’s another view.

I personally don’t care how he’s posed in a picture. I just thought he would look cool when drawn.

Oh yeah I added a pipe around his waist.


Can do! This is a really nice Moc so I’ll try my best to do it justice!

You know what, I’m sorry to go back on what I said, but I’m just too curious to see what you can do. Could you try this?