The New Hawkhood Dilemma: Conflicts of Good and Evil(RP Topic)

The salesman continued to drain, awaiting a response (@jayzor17)

“Well, I’m here helping Silver Tongue with the surveillance espionage stuff, but I could actually use a bit of help from you,”

“Well, what might you need?” Hinata asks.

Vance might see a familiar mask on a nearby desk, being that of the man who recruited him to help Silver Tongue.

“Just something that might help me counter some certain people. Project: Runa is a particularly difficult one. If you have info or equipment that’d help that’d be nice. Also something to disrupt a powerful electromagnet,”

Hinata considers for a second. “I’m pretty sure I can make you something, but nothing in this world is free.” He replies. “I’ll need your help getting materials for it and for this other project I’m working on for S.T.”

“Tell him we’ll be investigating and that this is a limited-time offer.” CB said to the secretary, “Good day, ma’am.” He said as he turned to leave.

The secretary sighs and returns to what she was doing before.

Lash frowns behind her mask. One rope lashes out, snapping like a whip as it strikes towards the Salesman’s back.

“Mirror…” Pulse repeats, mentally storing the information away. Connor watches, sure that the helmeted hero already knew exactly who the villain was. He turns to see Superhuman’s response. @Ghid

He laughs, as it passed through him, hiding any semblance of pain, “is that all you have? How pathetic. Parvus, if you may,” He said, and as he did a petite young woman strode out, seemingly normal.

A green laser would shoot out at the Salesman, as Project: Runa stood nearby, having fired.

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Lash’s whip continues on, reaching out to a more insulated point on the power line.

“mhmm… How tasty.” He said with a sadistic grin.

Another whip intersects it, “please, focus,” said parvus to Lash, her tone disappointed

He fires another as he walks closer.

Lash’s whip coils around Parvus’s, twining around it before pulling back towards Lash. The anti-hero brings her other whip around, striking for where Parvus’s face would be should she successfully be pulled.

Superhuman beings loosening and tightening his grip very slightly, to ensure Shade wouldn’t have too much opportunity to formulate a plan of escape. He glances slightly back at Pulse, wondering if the younger hero would keep up the bargain he had promised.

I’d rather not be the one to introduce myself, honestly. He thought. It gets old.

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Shade stays still, waiting until his moment.

“how cute,” he said, slowly walking closer as he slowly pulls out his sword

The whip twists unnaturally, and pulls lash towards parvus

Lash leans back, her second whip pulling back and finding a nearby support to hold her in place.

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He stops and quickly rethinks his actions, extending out the blade on Project: X-Caliber and taking a defensive stance.

Another blade lunges at the second whip, “Don’t make this too difficult, okay?” Asked parvus, incredibly nonchalant, and somewhat tired.

The salesman vanished.