The Nexo Knights Topic

That image explains the significance of the sets in the Toy Fair pictures.

Here are the summer wave sets!

The Flying Brick


A buggy that somehow climbs rocks

Merlok Mech!

Bionicle will live on in the form of protector feet


I won’t lie

I was expecting more from Macy’s dragon

namely like

actual wings

the likes of which could’ve been affixed to the wave 3 mechs.

but oh well

the other sets are pretty cool.


the “stone colossus of ultimate destruction” looks pritty lame, especialy with the stiff limbs

oh and nice spoiler with stone clay there LEGO, thanks.

Is that a Merlock mech in the castle?

looks like more that merlok got his body back, but in mecha form.

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it’s his hologram that’s somehow controlling the thing I think

Full Toy Fair coverage:


I already posted my thoughts over on Eurobricks, but I’ll repost them here:

I love the recolored purple version of the Ninjago sword for Krakenskull (or whatever his name is. His helmet is cool too), and the creature in Aaron’s set looks absolutely amazing. The Colossus is impressive, and far more solidly built and less gappy than I expected from the prelims. Very nice. Axl’s one is interesting, seemingly having a tank portion that can split off of it and some sort of scissor-axe action feature. The castle is kind of messy. Why the wooden, brown doors? The little siege vehicle and pillar/collumn monster are cool, and this is probably the best windscreen parts pack ever. The powers are underwhelming, although I like the robo-Merlok and the inclusion of one of the two squirebots that are actually characters in their own right. The Heligoyle is cool, and the harpy looks pretty nice too. Macy’s dragon is underwhelming, and this brings me to a point that kind of bugs me. There are even fewer female characters in this years lineup than last year, and Macy, despite being one of the main characters continuously gets only the smallest vehicles. For crying out loud, the only female characters included in the castle are a pig and a statue. And I’m still kind of confused why every action theme is given a predominantly male cast. It’s kind of blatantly sexist, and it makes no sense even from a business point of view. Little boys don’t care about the gender of the characters, they care about how destructive the character or their vehicles are, both in terms of play and in-story, and constantly making every lineup predominantly male excludes little girls, which means arbitrarily cutting your profits in half. That last point wouldn’t even be a big deal for a series with a mostly male cast if at least some other themes had a mostly female cast to make the fact that a particular theme has a mostly male cast just a coincidence rather than an issue. I can’t exactly find the right phrasing, but I mean that the characters just happen to be male rather than that being thought of as the default.


2016: Macy, Queen, Laveria, Snake lady, Ava

2017: Macy, Queen, Ruina, Harpy, Ava[quote=“DraikNova, post:2303, topic:11247”]
Little boys don’t care about the gender of the characters, they care about how destructive the character or their vehicles are, both in terms of play and in-story,

If you going to pull sexist card, then I will to. Its sexist to assume this all little boys care about, also why do little girls have to relate to a character of their gender if boys don’t? Thats sexism. Assuming that little girls don’t care about the same things boys do on a base level also counts as sexism depending on how fr you want to play that card.


Little boys already have tons of male characters to relate to. If there are tons of characters of the same gender to relate to in the same genre even outside of the particular theme, then people of that gender will feel less stigmatized for liking that particular genre.

Also, I never stated that little girls care less about destructive play, I’m just pointing out that little boys will not care that much if the character is female or male as long as it can do something awesome.

As for the female characters in the lineup, sorry, I miscalculated. But still, in any franchise, if you notice you’ve severely skewed your gender ratio to one side in the first year, it only makes sense to try and improve it in your second year.

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Just saying.
G1 had horribily scewed gender ratios and it was succesful, and I can still think of quite a few girls who enjoyed it regardless of the ratios.

I do think Nexo Knights could use a few more female characters - but I also think that they’re playing the more “accurate” card, since these are still knights.

Just my two cents, not really all that involved in the theme so maybe I’m completely wrong.


Considering we’re dealing with a world where magic, lava demons, lightning golems/gargoyles, absolute monarchy and modern technology coexist, accuracy is kind of a lost cause, and anyway, removing sexism is generally a good point at which to break from accuracy.

Also, considering how many buildings have statues of important female saints or similar, having more female characters would probably be more accurate.


You’re right about accuracy being a lost cause. Same goes for…I dare say most every LEGO theme ever that’s not specifically intended to be accurate (which, needless to say, are few and far between).

I don’t specifically think it’s discrimination to have a smaller female cast, however, when the demographic the theme is targeted at doesn’t tend to respond to what you and I may consider “major issues.” If the theme was blatantly regarding the female characters as weaker or less important, then it would certainly fall into that category, but as it is I don’t really see it as sexism nor do I see it as a major issue.

Again, however, just my two cents.

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It’s not problematic on its own, but when every action theme LEGO’s made has an all-male cast, it becomes an issue. And the set designers (or whoever determines which characters get which price slots devoted to them) definitely seem to regard Macy as less important. But that’s enough regarding this topic for now.

Why do you care more about the gender of the characters than their personalities?
Out of the competent archetype clay, ava, queen halberd, two out of three are female, who cares?
There’s no reason to crowd a character roster with useless tokens to balance something you yourself said doesn’t matter.


Because it’s kind of ridiculous that the character designers choose to make so many characters male. I mean, 14 male characters (not counting generic minions) in a year to 5 female ones (counting the harpies, which seem to be intended as generic minions as well). In any given setting, on average, half of the characters should be female, yet over all LEGO themes, 90% are male. It’s not about tokens, it’s about the fact that people think that a female character is just there as a token, despite the fact that by that logic, all the characters are tokens since they’re either male or female.

But this is getting really off topic.


It doesn’t matter.
It shouldn’t matter.

People think that because people keep trying to force more female characters into things on the grounds that there needs to be more female.

No, if you add a character for no other reason than ‘more ____’ they’re a token, they exist to fill a quota.

And to keep this relevant, OK, you want more female characters in nexo knights, which male characters do you want dead? Or do you want to flood the roster with characters so all the characters get less development?


Those new sets (aside from the stone colossus) look a lot better than the first wave. The castle is magnificent, and macy’s dragon is cool because it doesn’t look like just another NK vehicle (mainly because of the nice color choices). The heligoyle is interesting, and I’m very interested in seeing who’s that bad guy minifig in Aaron’s set.

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“Stone Colossus of Ultimate Destruction”

poetry :ok_hand:


@Likus yep, but still its a set ?

anyone found these nexo shield booster packs ? I found them only in Amazon.

Edited for Double Post - Waj