The Nexo Knights Topic

okay, well ist nowadays normal to find everywhere a problem.

It is bending its knee, the legs are designed to look like it slightly crouched,

Is it bad that, after watching the show, I want the Stone Colossus of Ultimate Destruction? :stuck_out_tongue:

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These looks like they were made by a little kid who just stopped using Duplos.

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man, you sound like they should focus more on looks, than function. These are toys, not statues

if it looks garbage then itā€™s really not a good set, no matter what functions it has.

This is worse than exposed CCBS bones


That is actually the worst thing Iā€™ve seen from Nexo Knights.

Why do exposed studs bother people so much?


Same reason exposed balljoint and sockets annoy people so much.


Why do exposed ball joins bother people so much?

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It makes a Lego Creation looks unfinished.

ehh what ? You mean lego needs to shield all exposed studs to look ā€œcleanerā€ ? Are you serious ? Studs are the back bone of lego! So ?

Yes, they need to at least make a effort to make their product look completed. Your spine is your literal backbone, and if it had nothing covering it someone would think something is wrong. exposed studs, while being the 'backbone of LEGO sets) still can single-handedly ruin a setā€™s look.

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yeah you are right, well there needs to be a explanation, why they made it so ?

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Either for budget, function, or they were just lazy.

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well, budget sounds the most, understandeable ?

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It might have a function that warrants itā€¦maybeā€¦

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So any exposed studs means a set looks incomplete?

You see, I think comparing open joints to open studs to be a false equivalency, and I think because the majority of people on the boards are constraction fans they see the two as the same.
Exposed studs are an inevitability with system, and they really arenā€™t that big a deal.
I at least donā€™t see some eyesore that must be covered when I see some exposed studs, itā€™s Lego, studs are a thing, if I wanted to build something that had no studs Iā€™d get a model kit.

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LEGO set quality has increased over the years, along with it aesthetic improving pieces have been developed. These pieces exist solely to bridge the gap between brick based toys and models that can proudly be displayed. There is no denying that several exposed studs can ruin the aesthetic flow of a set, thus ruining its likelyhood to be displayed or kept together. Whether studs bother you are not is your thing, but one cannot deny, on a factual artistic academic level, several exposed studs in a group are unsightly if the rest of the set is smooth or if it comes from a line that is characteristically smooth. Itā€™s all about visual cohesion.

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