~The Official Bohrok Fanclub~

The bohrok are simply, in my opinion, the best mix of form and function ever achieved by any bionicle set: they look great, and despite their size are filled to the brim with play value… What can I say? They are the best, they are my favorite, and each time they gather dust on my shelf, I clean… them… all


Too bad that the mix of form and function was achieved by basically making a new mold for everything though. I still love them.

But no set has achieved such a good balance with such a small size and piece count!

Oh yeah, I also think they’re formidable, but it’s just slightly bothering to have a lego set the size of your fist that has new molds for the feet, the legs, the body, the neck, the arms, the shields, the head frame, the teeth, the eyes, the Krana, the Krana holder, the function activator, even the rubber band, and the little thingy that connects the set to the canister.

Forgive me, I’m a bit of a Lego purist.

That is true. Although give them credit, the bohrok eye is one of the most useful lego pieces ever

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yeah but I get what he is saying; The gear pieces for the neck, the body structure and the bottom head piece are very specific pieces, and they can be had to use in MOCing.
It doesn’t bother me though, as I don’t get why you would scrap a bohrok for parts. Their just too good really

When they become too many it annoys me a bit though.

True dat. By the way, do you plan to make a mixed MOC bohrok in the future? that would be soon awesome

I already have one built…

Yeah you didn’t expect it right?

It looks vaguely like this.

BTW there’s a cute Krana inside the windshield too.

I know, it’s not the best, but I had a lot of fun building it… Last year, actually.


Make a topic w/ building instructions.


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Oh hey, it kind of looks like a goofy gahlok! Awesome!

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I posted the instructions!


Clean I all it must be cleaned all obstacles will be removed you are an obstacle remove yourself clean it all clean it all clean it all…

The Bohrok were the best foreshadowing NICE BOIL ever had. And in the second year, too.



I personally pose each bohrok in a different way, because it gives them a sense of individuality (Which they didn’t have in the story but screw it)


I am now offically apart of this club. The Bohrok are one of my favorite things in/parts of Bionicle period!

Clean it all. It must be cleaned.

Clean it all. It must be cleaned.

Clean it all. It must be cleaned.


Bohrok-Kal Kaita Za be like

Do you even lift bro


bohrok kaita ja got such a downgrade.

to this


Its like a reverse steroids add. What ever Ja did, it turned him into a metaphorical shrimp taco.

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I built both of those combiners, and I actually have to say that I enjoyed the Kal much more. I strongly recommend building it, it feels powerful, and the face is really menacing. Just don’t put the stupid rubber bands on the sides :wink:.

it looked great in the comics too

Just my opinion, though.