The Official "I Hate Eljay" Topic

Actually I think he does have a BB, didn’t he use it in a Recap Review skit?

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is this some kind of joke?

No. Everything in this thread is purely, 100%, completely serious. If you think that this is a joke then you are a fool.

Also, in case anyone couldn’t tell, that was sarcasm.


After three years and finally signing up, this topic is still active to this day.

What a lovely world.
(P.S., Eljay should’ve stayed masked.)

He looked better with the beard.

It covered his ugly neck


@Cupcake_Tyrant_Dar yeh he smells worse than surströmming

Eljay, you could have chose any other mask but the Miru. You could’ve gotten ‘the mask of big cheeks’ according to Ven, or the pakari, kakama, anything else. But you chose a mask that kinda does nothing like you have your whole life.

Edited for Double Post, @Archiblox please click the link to read our rules on multiposting. Thanks! - Waj

Eljay should just start the Hero Factory reviews already, since he can relate to it. I mean, Hero Factory was some sad attempt at building off of Bionicle’s success, while the other series Eljay keeps trying to start are sad attempts at building off of his Recap Review success.

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Eljay is so awful he even is popular and has a fanbase that pretends to insult him
######Oh wait that’s not an insult is it

Eljay is so ugly he had to get a bootleg mask to wear bcuz it would shatter otherwise

Eljay was a chump for ever going on that BCC podcast. He should’ve stuck with Modularity.

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Wow I HATE Eljay. rewatchig the MNOG lets plays with Meso and ElJay, I hate when eljay pretends to get angry, and he doesnt just do this on the mnog lets plays but also in the podcast a few times. He screams into his microphone so loud, im pretty sure he’s permanently damaged my computer speakers. Does his cardboard Miru secretly have a built in megaphone or something!?

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I love eljay

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Eljay is like dead weight

He’s trying to produce more content but the others want to cut him off.

I don’t hate Eljay

But 2nd place certainly does.


Eljay once said something I didn’t agree with.

so I hate him.

That is how this works, right?


Yep. That’s how it works on the internet.


Sweet, I was getting worried there for a second.

Guys, we need to love Eljay’s hate by beating up everyone who likes or agrees with him!

Oes noes!

I must abandon topic!


you’re on the hit list buddy


Hey, DannyBoyy…? You know what happens when you go around, hailing Eljay in The Official I Hate Eljay Topic…? Huh? Do you…?
(Clicks pen.)

You’ve just made The List!
Of Jericho. Drink it in, man.

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