The Relationship Topic

Aw sorry bro

Honestly itā€™s no worries. I ended it, it was the right thing to do

Canā€™t be rejected if you donā€™t have anyone to ask out

In all seriousness, Iā€™m a total loner, should I tell you the epilogue to that story with the girl?

We tried to be friends but her and her friends honestly hated meā€¦

And me and my other friends drifted apart

My only real friends right now are on the TTV MB

But this is the most cringy and funny topic here

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I think Iā€™ve experienced the same thing my dude, once in the past

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Iā€™ve also been through not one, but two fiascos.
And the worst thing is that the second one is on-going.
Or at least it may have a sequel.

If you could sum up my love life in one sentenceā€¦


I also want to know my leige

I canā€™t even remember what that was abouy

I did it!

I initiated a conversation with the girl I like!

ā€¦I know that doesnā€™t sound like much, but with my almost omnipresent fear of messing up or being rejected, thatā€™s, like, a huge accomplishment for me.


Congrats dude! Iā€™m glad to hear that!

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Well done!
If I had a cookie i would give it to you.



Congratulations my son

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One lad: lads! I talked to a girl
Geekdom: Congratulations!

In all seriousness well done Runa.


Okay guys

Itā€™s time I told the extended version!
Characters: me, her, her evil friend (HEF) her nice friend (HNF) friend from long ago (FFLA)

Me: man it sure is boring
Headteacher: you know this Friday, you can go on a trip and protest climate change
Me: whoā€™s going
Her: I am, hnf is going and so is HEF, I think you should come as you study geography and we donā€™t hang out much
Me: okay


Her: so I realise we donā€™t talk much
Me: yeah
Her: we should hang out more
HEF: hey guys letā€™s go to McDonaldā€™s
Her: I kinda think we should bring Mistikaā€¦
HEF(in an evil way): hmm he can come if he wants to but I was hoping this could be OUR trip
Hnf: are you sure? We can still come!
Hef: bye Mistika!
Hnf: oh okay

FFLA: So (her) have you got a boyfriend
Her: no, besides Mistika, boys at our school are rude and selfish
FFLA: would you date Mistika?
(Her looks at Mistika, Mistika looks back like an idiot, thankfully Her Evil Friend saved me by changing the topic to endgame, okay sheā€™s not that evil, she just doesnā€™t like me that much)

Maybe next time Iā€™ll tell you about the school trip with a rude boy that happened recently

is she saying she would date you?

I donā€™t really know to be honest

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I think that was your chance to confessā€¦

Seems like sheā€™s into you, she singled you out as a cut above the rest, and looked at you at that moment for confirmation.

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(Tried desperately to change subject)

Umm, howā€™s your love life

Alright, not directly about me. I have a friend who has a massive crush on a mutual friendā€™s sister, but he had always viewed the aiblinga of friwnds as off limits. I always though that it would be better for a sibling to date a friend, as you know that person better than anyone else. But, I see his point. If they break up thereā€™s not one, but two friendships on the line. He says he wants to wait it out, get to know her a bit better before he asks her out, which if say is a good move. On top of that, he has no clue how he even ask a friendā€™s sister out. Any thoughts. I canā€™t exactly help out in any way because I havent been in a relationship. (Long story short somehow everytime Iā€™ve tried they happen to be dating another guy.)

Wait whatā€¦

How will the friend feel once he finds out his friendā€™s in love with his sister?

Will he retaliate by falling in love with his friendā€™s mother?